Joy Creek Photo Archive (c) all rights reserved
Magnificent and somewhat mysterious in appearance, this selection of Hydrangea aspera has immense wooly leaves that are just shy of a foot long and five inches wide. Purple leaf petioles add to the allure of the plant. In addition, the matte green leaves recurve along their edges as if trying to imitate the rounded shape of the large, six-inch lace-cap inflorescences. The fertile flowers are lavender pink and fuzzy in appearance. They are surrounded by white sterile florets consisting of four (occasionally 3 or 5) sepals. The flowering stems are covered in velvet like that on deer's antlers. The rust colored bark on the older branches defoliates much as birchbark does.
Summer. 10 ft. x 10 ft.
White/Lavender Pink flowers
Sun, Part Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |