Joy Creek Photo Archive (c) all rights reserved
At Joy Creek Nursery, we continue to be fascinated by large flowered penstemon, especially those that have contrasting richly colored lips and white interior throats. Now Penstemon 'Red Hot Kissed' joins our Kissed Series. At first glance, this resembles the classic garden penstemon named 'Scarlet Queen' but it is a much bigger plant with larger flowers. Individual flowers are 1 3/4 inches wide. The lower lobes of the flowers are very broad; the smaller upper lobes give the flower a decidedly jaunty look because there is often a twist or tip in one of them. When the flowers are collected into a one-sided raceme, the effect is very showy indeed. Semi-glossy leaves are mid-green and measure at their longest 4 inches and about 1 1/4 inches at their broadest.
Summer to mid-autumn. 24 in. x 15 in.
Red and White flowers
Sun Zones 8, 9, 10 |