Joy Creek Photo Archive (c) all rights reserved
This is the climbing form of the old minature rose 'Pompon de Paris' (1839). It is a strong grower and after the initial mass bloom in May continues to bloom moderately until the end of the growing season. While most reference sources say the climbing Rosa 'Pompon de Paris' grows to 10 feet, a friend of ours, Lucy Hardiman says that hers grows to nearly 20 feet in two years in her Portland, Oregon garden. She also cuts it nearly to the ground in alternating years and the plant grows back and is of a good size by early summer. I have never been that aggressive in pruning a climbing rose. The medium pink flowers are lightly fragrant and very double. A real plus for this rose is its disease resistance in our maritime Nothwest gardens, no blackspot, no mildew and no rust.
Late spring to early fall 15 ft. x 4 ft.
Medium Pink flowers
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 |