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We first saw Agapanthus 'Sandringham' in the Dry Border at Beth Chatto's nursery in England where we admired the rich color of its flowers and its compact habit. This is one of many Agapanthus selections made at The Crown Estate, Windsor, UK. Most are named for royal estates as is this one for property in Norfolk. The narrow green foliage is deciduous, dying to the ground in the cold. It stands about a foot in height. The flower stems rise generously above the foliage up to about 30 inches. Hints of the purple coloration of the flowers can be seen at the top of these stems. The rounded inflorescences appear violet blue. A close look at an individual flower reveals the dark central bar and dark margins of each petal. The bonus is the seedheads which are exceptionally attractive.
Mid- to late summer. 24-30 in. x 12 in.
Violet Blue flowers
Sun Zones 7, 8. 9 |