Joy Creek Nursery

281-031D4   Buddleia knappii  

Buddleia knappii
Joy Creek Photo Archive (c) all rights reserved
From a distance, Buddleia knappii looks similar to B. loricata. However, this South African shrub is larger in scale, with foliage more than two times as long as that species. The young leaves have fine, silvery hairs over their highly textured surfaces. As they mature, they turn darker green. The leaf reverses are startlingly white with woolly hairs. The evergreen foliage makes it useful in the garden year-round.

July to August.  6 ft. x 10 ft.

Lavender flowers

Sun     Zones (7), 8, 9 10

20300 NW Watson Road  Scappoose, OR 97056
(503) 543-7474    (503) 543-6933 (FAX)