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Clematis 'Elegant Rhythm' is a Joy Creek Introduction for 2016. We have long been interested in the attributes of Clematis integrifolia - its winter hardiness, free-flowering nature and its non-climbing habit especially make it valuable to gardeners. 'Elegant Rhythm' is the third of five seedlings we selected from a batch of seeds from our finest integrifolia stock plant. Originally, we were looking for self-supporting plants but, because we water from overhead, the stems tended to flatten. We have opted to use a simple stake and one piece of garden twine to keep 'Elegant Rhythm' upright throughout the season. The beak-like buds start out with their tips pointing upward. Then, as the flowers begin to open, they curve downward in a shepherd's crook fashion. The pagoda-roofed flowers are rich purple blue. The undersides of the leaves are coppery bronze as they emerge. Dark stems are yet another element that enhances this introduction. Cut back by half in midsummer after the first flowering to get an autumn bloom or continue to dead-head on a regular basis and get continuous summer bloom. The flowering stems make attractive cut flowers. Easily grown in a container or in a mixed border. Tried and true for Pacific Northwest gardens.
Summer. 20-24 inc. x 8-10 in.
Purple Blue flowers
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |