Joy Creek Nursery

637-001   Cryptotaenia japonica f. atropurpurea  

Cryptotaenia japonica f. atropurpurea
Joy Creek Photo Archive (c) all rights reserved
Cryptotaenia japonica f. atropurpurea was supposed to stay 18 inches tall but has neared the 3 foot mark here. The purple-black foliage and stems are most lovely in the spring. Later in the year they tend to dull with age. It seems quite happy in the shady end of our Point Garden against the silvery backdrop of the sunny end.

Early summer.  3 ft. x 2.5 ft.

White flowers

Sun, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8

20300 NW Watson Road  Scappoose, OR 97056
(503) 543-7474    (503) 543-6933 (FAX)