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We have grown Ilex 'Rock Garden' for more than 15 years in our raised gravel bed. The name 'Rock Garden' is apt not only because of the shrub's diminutive size, but also because it needs good drainage to thrive. Our specimen has finally reached 21 inches in height and about 18 inches in width. It also has only recently begun bearing bright red fruit. The dark green spiny leaves measure only about an inch-and-a-quarter in length and about a half-inch in width. The internodes between the sets of leaves is very reduced making the shrublet dense in foliage. Our research has shown us that 'Rock Garden' is a complex hybrid of much larger hollies.
Spring. 12 in. x 16 in.
Whitish flowers
Sun, Part Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |