Joy Creek Nursery

283-004-1   Rodgersia podophylla  

Rodgersia podophylla
Joy Creek Photo Archive (c) all rights reserved
From Japan, Korea. Perhaps the most beautiful garden setting we have seen for this herbaceous perennial was in a streamside garden in Scotland where this bloomed amid blue himalayan poppies. Despite its love of moist sites, this has thrived in our hillside woodland garden with regular watering only once every seven to ten days. Its 16-inch leaves are flushed bronze in the spring, turn glossy green in the summer, and can turn ruddy in the autumn given the right circumstances. The 5-foot flower spikes bear foot-long panicles of small, starry flowers. Rodgersia podophylla qualifies as a "bold" foliage plant.

Mid- to late summer.  5 ft. x 6 ft.

Creamy Green flowers

Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8

20300 NW Watson Road  Scappoose, OR 97056
(503) 543-7474    (503) 543-6933 (FAX)