Joy Creek Nursery

071-191D4   Salvia regla 'Huntington Gardens Form'  

Salvia regla 'Huntington Gardens Form'
Joy Creek Photo Archive (c) all rights reserved
Thanks to salvia enthusiast Bill Fletcher for allowing us to make cuttings in his collection. According to botanical literature, the species Salvia regla is variable in its native habitat which extends from the Chisos Mountains of Texas to Oxaca, Mexico and further south. Salvia regla 'Huntington Gardens Form' was selected for its abundant red flowers and its dark stems. In our garden, it is late to begin flowering and so summer visitors do not get to see its long-tubed, vibrant flowers surrounded by yellow-orange calyces. The shrub can get quite large which ensures that there is plenty of nectar for the hummingbirds to fight over. Because it is not reliably hardy for us, we offer it winter protection.

Late summer to fall.  5 ft. x 4 ft.

Scarlet flowers

Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10

20300 NW Watson Road  Scappoose, OR 97056
(503) 543-7474    (503) 543-6933 (FAX)