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Plant Reference List - D
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314-039D4     Daphne arbuscula x cneorum  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Soft Pink flowers
We bought Daphne arbuscula x cneorum from Edelweise Nursery and can find little literature about the origin of the cross. We have grown it for three years in our garden and have found it to be easy to grow and generous of bloom. The foliage is a little larger than that of some of the small cultivars we grow. The flowers are also on the larger size and they are very fragrant. We grow it with afternoon light in a well-drained border where it has flourished.  May to September. bloom   15 in. x 15-20 in.

314-019D4     Daphne bholua     ( Nepalese Paper Plant )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Our 18 year-old specimen is a testiment to the hardiness of this E. Himalayan species. Although it suffered die-back after a severe winter storm brought cold dry winds from the interior followed by heavy wet snow, this evergreen shrub recovered and even bloomed. The fragrant February flowers, emerging from red purple buds, can perfume an entire neighborhood if the temperature and sunlight cooperate. Its semi-glossy dark green leaves are always in fashion.  Late winter. bloom   14 ft. x 5-6 ft.

314-001D4     Daphne burkwoodii 'Carol Mackie'  
Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Light Pink flowers
Daphnes are not the easiest shrubs to grow but we have found that good drainage, protection from the hottest sun and regular summer watering give the gardener a good chance at success. The finest specimens we find in our area grow in sandy loam in the shelter of taller shrubs or small trees. Daphne x burkwoodii 'Carol Mackie' is a variegated sport found in New Jersey in the garden of its namesake in 1962. Over the years it has become one of the most widely grown daphnes. It lovely yellow-cream margined foliage is bright and attractive throughout the year. (If the winter gets too cold, the leaves may drop or appear damaged.) Daphnes are celebrated for their fragrance and this selection (which has both D. cneorum and D. caucasica in its blood) will not disappoint. Because it is fairly short and wide, it is ideal in the front of a border where its perfume can be best enjoyed.  Late spring. bloom   3 ft. x 4-5 ft.

314-002D4     Daphne caucasica  
Part Shade     Zones 6, 7, 8 White flowers
Daphne caucasica is not a showy bloomer but a very long one. The flower tubes are pink opening out to 4-lobed white flowers which are gathered in clusters at the stem tips. Their fragrance is spicy. The matte foliage is somewhat gray.  Late spring to fall. bloom   4 ft. x 4 ft.

314-035D4     Daphne hendersonii 'Aymon Correvon' x  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 6, 7, 8, Pink flowers
We were introduced to this diminutive evergreen shrub by Rick Lupp owner of the late Mt. Tahoma Nursery, WA. This is a selection done at the Swiss nursery Correvon and Son sometime in the 1960's. The cross is between D. petraea and D. cneorum resulting in a short trailing woody shrub with small, narrow leaves that are dark green when mature. Flowers are abundant and fragrant. The pink buds open to four-lobed flowers of pale pink. This is ideal for a rockery with good drainage.  Spring, summer. bloom   6 in. x 10-12 in.

314-036D4     Daphne 'Lovisa Maria'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 6, 7, 8 Rosy Purple flowers
Swedish hybridizer Severin Schlyter made the original cross between D. cneorum and D. arbuscula that later came to be named Daphne 'Lovisa Maria'. This small, rounded, evergreen shrublet does best with good drainage in a rockery or container. We protect it from the hottest sun of the afternoon. Its narrow, dark green leaves are the perfect background to show off the fragrant flowers.  Spring. bloom   6 in. x 6 in.

314-016D4     Daphne odora     ( Winter Daphne )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Purple Pink and White flowers
Everyone loves the alluring fragrance of this Daphne odora. The glossy dark green foliage shows off the terminal clusters of waxy flowers which are followed by round red fruits in summer.  Late winter to early spring. bloom   4 ft. x 4 ft

314-004QT     Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Red Purple/White flowers
Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata' is the variegated form of winter Daphne and has flowers that are slightly redder than the species. The flowers have white interiors. The leaf variegation is in irregular golden margins around the shiny green leaves. A very eye-catching evergreen shrub. A Great Plant Picks selection.  Late winter to early spring. bloom   4 ft. x 4 ft.

314-004     Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Red Purple/White flowers
Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata' is the variegated form of winter Daphne and has flowers that are slightly redder than the species. The flowers have white interiors. The leaf variegation is in irregular golden margins around the shiny green leaves. A very eye-catching evergreen shrub. A Great Plant Picks selection.  Late winter to early spring. bloom   4 ft. x 4 ft.

314-004D4     Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Red Purple/White flowers
Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata' is the variegated form of winter Daphne and has flowers that are slightly redder than the species. The flowers have white interiors. The leaf variegation is in irregular golden margins around the shiny green leaves. A very eye-catching evergreen shrub. A Great Plant Picks selection.  Late winter to early spring. bloom   4 ft. x 4 ft.

314-040D4     Daphne retusa  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 6, 7, 8 Rose and White flowers
It is sometimes hard to find reliable, compact evergreen shrubs for smaller gardens. Daphne retusa is a good candidate. Introduced in 1901 by Ernest Wilson from an expedition to China and Tibet, it has been a familiar plant for rock gardeners ever since. Its upright habit and dark, glossy, blunt-tipped foliage, give it a sense of solidity. Yet in bloom, it has a surprisingly delicate appearance when it is covered with clusters of two-toned flowers, pink on the outside, white on the interior. They are delightfully fragrant. Later in the season, orange fruits glow amidst the rounded leaves.  Late spring. bloom   24 in. x 18-24 in.

314-026D4     Daphne rollsdorfii 'Wilhelm Schacht' (x)  
Sun     Zones 6, 7, 8 Reddish Purple flowers
This cross between D. collina and D. petraea forms a tidy, small, mounding evergreen shrub. Its somewhat rounded leaves are glossy dark green. Each terminal inflorescence contains 10 to 15 flowers that are highly fragrant. They appear on the old wood and later on the new. Give Daphne x rollsdorfii `Wilhelm Schacht' a sunny, well-drained site for the best success.  Spring and early summer. bloom   18-24 in. x 18-24 in.

314-017D4     Daphne susannae 'Lawrence Crocker' (x)  
Sun     Zones 6, 7, 8 Rose flowers
(Daphne collina x D. arbuscula) Daphne susannae (x) 'Lawrence Crocker' was found by its namesake at his nursery Siskiyou Rare Plant Nursery and originally released through that nursery. This spontaneous hybrid has proven to be an easy-to-grow evergreen shrub that continues to bloom on new growth throughout the summer.  Summer. bloom   3 ft. x 6-8 ft.

314-024D4     Daphne tangutica  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 Violet/White flowers
Clusters of dark violet edged flowers with white centers are only one attraction of Daphne tangutica. Scarlet fruits, fragrant blooms and attractive, dark, evergreen foliage up the ante on this reliable addition to the woodland garden. This is a Great Plant Pick.  Spring. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

314-020D4     Daphne transatlantica 'Jim's Pride' x  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White and Pink flowers
The history of this plant is complicated. Daphne x transatlantica 'Jim's Pride' was acquired by Jim Cross of Environmental Nursery on Long Island in 1977 from The Arnold Arboretum. Mr. Cross recognized that it was not D. caucasica as he had expected but a cross between D. caucasica and D. collina (as it is labeled in gardens). Subsequently, this cross has been repeated but the original find has been named in honor of Jim Cross. It is an exceptionally good, semi-evergreen shrub in the Maritime Northwest although it can can lose its leaves in low temperatures. Because of its low mounding habit and size, it is one of the shrubs we recommend for smaller gardens. One of the features that distinguishes it is the fact that it continues to bloom for almost a half year after its initial flush in April. If you are lucky, you can have blooms in the autumn! The fragrant flowers are white emerging from pinkish buds. This is a Great Plant Pick from the Elizabeth C. Miller Garden in Seattle, WA. Photo courtesy of Richie Steffen.  April, May and repeating during the summer. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

314-044D4     Daphne x schlyteri 'Gold Edge'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 6,7,8,9 Rose Pink flowers
We received this plant from Rick Lupp owner of the late Mt. Tahoma Nursery and are pleased to have this selection he made from a cross between D. cneorum and D. arbuscula. He was looking for gold variegation on the leaves of his seedlings and this is what he found. There is a narrow gold margin around each of the dark green leaves. The shrub is compact and low growing. In the spring dark buds open to rose pink fragrant flowers. Grow this in a rock garden with good drainage.  Spring. bloom   3-4 in. x 8 in.

801-001-1     Darmera peltata  
Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
Darmera peltata is perfect for customers with ponds or streams that cannot grow Gunnera. Although leaf-stems only reach 4 ft. and the parasol-like leaves about 2 ft. across, this Oregon native gives a similar big-leafed effect. The early cymes of pink flowers are soon followed by the rounded, deeply lobed leaves. Good red fall color. A Great Plant Picks selection.  Spring. bloom   4 ft. x 3 ft.

677-001-1     Decaisnea fargesii  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Yellow Green Flowers/Blue Fruit flowers
The specimen of Decaisnea fargesii in our garden is more than 20 years old and has obtained a similar number of feet in height. It is described as sparsely branched, but we see it as open in habit with large pinnate leaves up to 3 feet in length. Individual leaflets are mostly elliptic in shape, green on their upper surfaces and glaucous underneath. The subtle, bell-shaped flowers hang from the undersides of long panicles. But, it is the large bean-shaped fruit that make this tree hard-to-forget for autumn visitors. The fruit form long, fat cylinders that are an unusual shade of blue and are often referred to as "deadman's fingers." From Western China and the Himalayas.  Early Summer. bloom   20 ft. x 20 ft.

157-006     Delosperma ashtonii  
Sun     Zones 7, 8, 9 Fuchsia Pink flowers
The succulent, lance-shaped leaves of Delosperma ashtonii have sharp edges and are not rounded like many Delospermas. This mat former bears bright fuchsia colored flowers with yellow centers off and on throughout the season.  Summer. bloom   4 in. x spreading.

157-016     Delosperma basuticum     ( White-eyed ice plant )
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Yellow flowers
This species is from the Drakensburg Mountains of South Africa and has proved reliably hardy here if given good drainage. It resents our long winter rains so we use crushed basalt gravel as a mulch. The plant forms a congested, evergreen mat of narrow succulent leaves. Try this in a rockery or on a slope. The bright yellow rayed flowers of Delosperma basuticum are large and showy.  Late spring to early summer. bloom   1-2 in. x 6-8 in.

157-009     Delosperma congestum (P.K.206)  
Sun     Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 Bright Yellow flowers
Delosperma congestum is a mat former with densely packed bead shaped leaves of yellow-green with clear yellow rayed flowers tucked right in the foliage.  Summer to early autumn. bloom   2 in. x slowly spreading.

157-001     Delosperma cooperii  
Sun     Zones 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Magenta Pink flowers
Delosperma cooperii is a fast growing South African succulent, blooming from June through August with a mass of 2-inch rayed flowers. Hardier than generally supposed but susceptible to winter wet. Needs good drainage.  June through August. bloom   4 in. x slowly spreading.

157-014     Delosperma daveyi  
Sun     Zones 7, 8, 9 White flowers
The lobed, succulent leaves of Delosperma daveyi are reminiscent of a sedum with their bronze highlights and their red stems. The leaves are tiny - a quarter-inch wide and half-inch long. Small white rayed flowers all summer.  Summer. bloom   1 in. x slowly spreading.

157-002     Delosperma nubigenum  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Yellow flowers
Delosperma nubigenum is a South African mat forming species that is excellent for the rock garden or over a wall. Perhaps the hardiest of the species, specimens grow unprotected at the Denver Botanic Garden. One-inch rayed flowers.  May to June bloom   1 in. x slowly spreading.

157-013     Delosperma 'Oberg'  
Sun     Zones 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
Delosperma 'Oberg' is a diminutive succulent that has narrow gray green foliage. It is almost non-stop blooming. The 1/2-inch rayed flowers are pink in bud opening to a dusty pale pink. A tiny gem for the rock garden.  Spring to autumn. bloom   1.5 in. x slowly spreading.

157-003     Delosperma sp. aff. Deleeuwiae  
Sun     Zones 7, 8, 9 Yellow flowers
The glossy bead-like succulent foliage of Delosperma sp. aff. Deleeuwiae forms dense mats. The intensely yellow flowers have a sheen to them.  Summer. bloom   2 in. x slowly spreading.

157-720     Delosperma sphalmanthoides     ( Tufted ice plant )
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Fuchsia flowers
Found in the Komsberg Mountains of Cape Province in South Africa, this tiny cushion plant is hardier than one might imagine from its appearance. It is important to remember that Delosperma sphalmanthoides comes from higher altitudes. Its diminutive "finger-like' succulent leaves are bluish green and show off the magenta-colored rayed flowers with their yellow center. This is perhaps best suited to a rockery or trough where you can provide well-draining gravelly soil. Do not be surprised when it goes semi-dormant during the summer.  Early spring. bloom   1/2 in. x 8 in.

026-029     Delphinium English Hybrid Seedlings  
Sun     Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Mixed Colors flowers
Delphinium English Hybrid Seedlings are seedlings from our traffic-stopping test garden. Most of these vigorous thick-stemmed perennials grow to 5 ft. They have survived unstaked until struck by 30 mph winds one summer. They repeat bloom 2 to 3 times depending on the length of the season.  Summer. bloom   To 5 ft.

621-005     Dendranthema weyrichii 'White Bomb'  
Su     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 White flowers
Once considered a chrysanthemum, Dendranthema weyrichii 'White Bomb' is mat-forming, vigorous perennial produces masses of daisy-like flowers late in the season. The 2-inch flowers can have a blush of pink in them. Grow this versatile plant in the mixed border or even in a rockery.  Autumn. bloom   10 in. x 18 in.

103-004     Deschampsia 'Northern Lights'  
Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Deschampsia 'Northern Lights' is a short beautiful grass that adds long term interest to our gardens where the cream variegated foliage shows its ethereal purple-pink tints in the winter and spring. It blooms on 10-inch stems forming a halo over the tawny foliage.    10 in.

590-006D4     Deutzia crenata var. nakaiana 'Nikko'  
Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 White flowers
The spring bloom of Deutzia crenata var. nakaiana 'Nikko' produces abundant starry white flowers on this graceful low shrub. The lance-shaped leaves turn red-purple in autumn.  Late spring. bloom   2 ft. x 4 ft.

590-006-1     Deutzia crenata var. nakaiana 'Nikko'  
Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 White flowers
The spring bloom of Deutzia crenata var. nakaiana 'Nikko' produces abundant starry white flowers on this graceful low shrub. The lance-shaped leaves turn red-purple in autumn.  Late spring. bloom   2 ft. x 4 ft.

590-002D4     Deutzia gracilis  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 White flowers
Deutzia gracilis is a graceful shrub with sprays of delicate white, scented flowers. The fall foliage takes on warm tones.  Late spring to early summer. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

590-009-1     Deutzia kalmiiflora (x)  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Pink flowers
The late garden writer Graham Stuart Thomas wrote of this hybrid that it is "one of the most graceful and ornamental kinds" of deutzia. We agree. Deutzia x kalmiiflora is a cross between D. purpurascens and D. parviflora that was released in 1900. The fact that it is still in the garden trade is a testament to its beauty and usefulness. Some Deutzia can become overly large or ungainly in the garden but this shrub stays in bounds. Its comparatively compact size and its showy panicles of pink flowers make it suitable for the back or middle of a mixed border. Leaves are 2 to 3 inches in length and are finely toothed along their margins. Individual flowers are less than an inch wide, star-shaped and are pink on the outside and white inside.  Early summer to midsummer. bloom   5 ft. x 5 ft.

590-009D4     Deutzia kalmiiflora (x)  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Pink flowers
The late garden writer Graham Stuart Thomas wrote of this hybrid that it is "one of the most graceful and ornamental kinds" of deutzia. We agree. Deutzia x kalmiiflora is a cross between D. purpurascens and D. parviflora that was released in 1900. The fact that it is still in the garden trade is a testament to its beauty and usefulness. Some Deutzia can become overly large or ungainly in the garden but this shrub stays in bounds. Its comparatively compact size and its showy panicles of pink flowers make it suitable for the back or middle of a mixed border. Leaves are 2 to 3 inches in length and are finely toothed along their margins. Individual flowers are less than an inch wide, star-shaped and are pink on the outside and white inside.  Early summer to midsummer. bloom   5 ft. x 5 ft.

590-001-1     Deutzia 'Magician'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 6, 7, 8 Pink/White flowers
Deutzia 'Magician' is a mid-sized shrub with panicles of cupped pink flowers with white reverses. This is a time-tested plant.  Early summer. bloom   5 ft. x 5 ft.

590-001D4     Deutzia 'Magician'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 6, 7, 8 Pink/White flowers
Deutzia 'Magician' is a mid-sized shrub with panicles of cupped pink flowers with white reverses. This is a time-tested plant.  Early summer. bloom   8 ft. x 5 ft.

590-004-1     Deutzia 'Pink Pompon'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Pink flowers
Much of the year, this graceful, arching mid-sized shrub is part of the backdrop of the garden. It does not go out of its way to catch your eye until, in early summer, dense clusters of dark pink buds reveal starry double shell pink flowers. We grow this close to a path in a lightly shaded area of the garden to good effect. Once a week watering will keep Deutzia `Pink Pompon' looking attractive throughout the summer.  Early summer. bloom   24-36 in. x 24-36 in.

590-004D4     Deutzia 'Pink Pompon'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Pink flowers
Much of the year, this graceful, arching mid-sized shrub is part of the backdrop of the garden. It does not go out of its way to catch your eye until, in early summer, dense clusters of dark pink buds reveal starry double shell pink flowers. We grow this close to a path in a lightly shaded area of the garden to good effect. Once a week watering will keep Deutzia `Pink Pompon' looking attractive throughout the summer.  Early summer. bloom   24-36 in. x 24-36 in.

590-005D4     Deutzia scabra 'Variegata'     ( Fuzzy deutzia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 6, 7, 8 White flowers
This billowy, large shrub is ideal for use as a background plant in the mixed border. As the name Deutzia scabra 'Variegata' suggests, the leaves are variegated in a mottled pattern - pure white tracery against dark green, somewhat puckered leaves. In early summer, 3-6 inch panicles laden with small, star-shaped flowers grace the shrub. The flowers are honey-scented. Occasionally, there are stems that have reverted to all-green, cut these out to maintain the attractive variegation.  Spring to midsummer. bloom   10 ft. x 6 ft.

590-005-1     Deutzia scabra 'Variegata'     ( Fuzzy deutzia )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 6, 7, 8 White flowers
This billowy, large shrub is ideal for use as a background plant in the mixed border. As the name Deutzia scabra 'Variegata' suggests, the leaves are variegated in a mottled pattern - pure white tracery against dark green, somewhat puckered leaves. In early summer, 3-6 inch panicles laden with small, star-shaped flowers grace the shrub. The flowers are honey-scented. Occasionally, there are stems that have reverted to all-green, cut these out to maintain the attractive variegation.  Spring to midsummer. bloom   10 ft. x 6 ft.

590-008-1     Deutzia setchuenensis var corymbiflora  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Perhaps it is because many Deutzias can reach 10 ft. or more in height that we rarely see them in urban gardens. Yet there are many of these shrubs that would be right in scale in these smaller gardens. Deutzia setchuenensis var. corymbiflora tops out at about six feet in height and would be a terrific gray green leafy backdrop for summer perennials and small shrubs. In the late spring, let it take center stage with its four-inch corymbs of cup-shaped white flowers. This variety is noted for its heavy flowering. After the leaves fall, the shaggy peeling bark of the branches serves as a feature in the winter garden.  Early to midsummer. bloom   6 ft. x 5 ft.

590-008D4     Deutzia setchuenensis var corymbiflora  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Perhaps it is because many Deutzias can reach 10 ft. or more in height that we rarely see them in urban gardens. Yet there are many of these shrubs that would be right in scale in these smaller gardens. Deutzia setchuenensis var. corymbiflora tops out at about six feet in height and would be a terrific gray green leafy backdrop for summer perennials and small shrubs. In the late spring, let it take center stage with its four-inch corymbs of cup-shaped white flowers. This variety is noted for its heavy flowering. After the leaves fall, the shaggy peeling bark of the branches serves as a feature in the winter garden.  Early to midsummer. bloom   6 ft. x 5 ft.

027-024     Dianthus allwoodii 'Raspberry Sherbet'  
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Raspberry Violet flowers
Dianthus x allwoodii 'Raspberry Sherbet' bears blue-green grass-like foliage with bright single flowers on mid-length stems.  Late spring to summer. bloom   8 in. x 6 in.

027-006     Dianthus arenarius  
Sun     Zone 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 White flowers
Dianthus arenarius forms a mound of narrow bright green foliage sporting deeply fringed fragrant white flowers on 1-foot stems.  Summer. bloom   1 ft.

027-110     Dianthus 'Bath's Pink'  
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Soft Pink flowers
Dianthus 'Bath's Pink' bears blue-green foliage and very fragrant single soft pink flowers with a darker eye. This is said to be tolerant of humidity.  Spring to summer. bloom   10 in. x 12 in.

027-093     Dianthus 'Bat's Double Red'  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Rose flowers
Dianthus 'Bat's Double Red' bears a carnation-type flower with a powerful clove scent. The large, double, rosy mauve blooms have a dark eye and rise 15 inches above the grass-like bluish foliage.  Spring to summer. bloom   15 in. x 15 in.

027-084     Dianthus 'Dad's Favourite'  
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Red, Purple, White flowers
This antique border pink has been in the trade since the 1800's. Its flowers are semi-double, white and edged in wine red with purple centers. Like so many of the classics, Dianthus `Dad's Favourite' has a spicy fragrance. The gray green foliage is grass-like in appearance.  Summer. bloom   10 in. x 12 in.

027-029     Dianthus deltoides 'Flashing Light'  
Sun     Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Cerise flowers
Dianthus deltoides 'Flashing Light' is a mat-forming perennial with dense, green, short, narrow foliage that has purple highlights. The single cerise flowers bloom in great profusion.  Summer. bloom   8 in. x 12 in.

027-035     Dianthus 'Eydangeri'  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
The compact blue-green grassy foliage of Dianthus 'Eydangeri' forms an attractive evergreen mound. The spidery flowers have a spicy fragrance.  Late spring. bloom   6 in. x 12 in.

027-112     Dianthus 'Feuerhexe' ('Fire Witch')  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Carmine Magenta flowers
Dianthus 'Feuerhexe' is also known as rock garden pink. The very low tufts of blue foliage show off the single bright rose pink flowers. The flowers are very intensely scented.  June. bloom   6 in.

027-043     Dianthus freynii  
Sun     Zones 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Pink flowers
Next to Dianthus simulans, Dianthus freynii is the tiniest pink we grow. It forms a slightly more tufted mossy mound that is so appealing to touch. Tiny pink flowers in summer.  Summer. bloom   2 in. x 12 in.

027-013     Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Tiny Rubies'  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Rose flowers
Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Tiny Rubies' is a very popular compact pink with numerous small, highly fragrant flowers in summer. Recommended for candying.  Summer. bloom   4 in. x 12 in.

027-009     Dianthus hispanicus  
Sun     Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Although the American Dianthus Society reference says Dianthus hispanicus is pink, our form has single, white, fringed flowers that are extremely fragrant. They will perfume an entire small garden if you like. Blue green foliage.  May to June. bloom   10 in. x 2-3 ft.

027-017     Dianthus 'Little Gem'  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Rose flowers
Dianthus 'Little Gem' forms a carpet of green grass-like foliage with a profusion of small, doubled, rose colored flowers with a spicy scent.  May to June. bloom   5 in. x 8 in.

027-021     Dianthus 'Little Jock'  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Rosy Pink flowers
Dianthus 'Little Jock' bears compact cushions of blue green foliage. The spicy 3/4-inch flowers are semi-double with a distinct red eye.  Summer. bloom   4 in.

027-045     Dianthus 'Margaret Curtis'  
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 White, Burgundy Eye flowers
Dianthus 'Margaret Curtis' is a modern border pink bearing scented, white flowers with burgundy eyes. The foliage is evergreen.  Summer. bloom   8 in. x 12 in.

027-020     Dianthus 'Mom's Cinnamon Pink'  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Rich Pink flowers
The almost metallic blue foliage of Dianthus 'Mom's Cinnamon Pink' is in pleasant contrast to the double pink flowers. This heirloom found at Mike's eastern Oregon homestead has a powerful spicy scent.  Summer. bloom   8-10 in.

027-073     Dianthus monspessulanus  
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Light Pink flowers
Our Dianthus monspessulanus has light pink scented flowers that are deeply fringed. The foliage is gray-green.  Summer. bloom   20 in. x 8 in.

027-039     Dianthus 'Oakington'  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Violet Rose flowers
Dianthus 'Oakington' bears a profusion of 3/4-inch double flowers with a fresh clove scent on 8-inch stems. Dense, low blue foliage.  Summer. bloom   8 in. x 10 in.

027-026     Dianthus 'Pike's Pink'  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Soft Pink flowers
Dianthus 'Pike's Pink' bears three-inch mounds of bluish foliage which sport double soft pink flowers on 6-inch stems during June. Each petal has a trace of dark pink at its base. Sweetly scented.  June. bloom   6 in. x 10 in.

027-032     Dianthus 'Pink Feather' ('Rosa Feder')  
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
Dianthus 'Pink Feather': This rock garden pink has single flowers that are feathery in appearance.  Late spring to early summer. bloom   9 in. x 12 in.

027-016     Dianthus 'Rose de Mai'  
Sun     Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pale Pink flowers
Dianthus 'Rose de Mai' bears a lovely, double pink flower with rich fragrance above mounds of sturdy, blue-green foliage. This bloomed from summer to early fall in our Texture Garden.  Summer. bloom   10-12 in.

027-027     Dianthus simulans  
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Rose flowers
Customers often ask us for "the moss growing in the dry border." Indeed, the dense, very short and narrow leaves of Dianthus simulans mound up, and, at first glace, do look like moss. In the spring, tiny carnation flowers of shortened stems dot the mound.  Spring. bloom   3 in. x 6 in.

027-011     Dianthus 'Spotty'  
Sun     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Rose-Red flowers
Dianthus 'Spotty' bears a small gray-green cushion with numerous scented rose-red flowers. Each petal bears a distinct white spot.  Summer. bloom   6 in. x 6 in.

027-115     Dianthus subacaulis 'Gary Eichhorn'  
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
Although the flowers of Dianthus subacaulis 'Gary Eichhorn' are less than an inch wide, this is one of the longest blooming and most prolific dianthus we have grown. The bright pink of the flowers is cooled by the mounding blue green needle foliage. Be sure to grow this with a gravel crown to protect it from rotting in wet winters.  Late spring through summer. bloom   8 in. x 24 in.

089-012     Diascia 'Andrew'  
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 Watermelon Pink flowers
Diascia 'Andrew' bears lax stems with small arrow shaped, lightly serrated foliage. Large (for this genus) watermelon pink blooms with very long spurs.  Summer to fall. bloom   10 in. x 12 in.

089-006     Diascia 'Blackthorn Apricot'  
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 Apricot flowers
Diascia 'Blackthorn Apricot' bears large, ruffled apricot-orange flowers. It has a slightly more open habit than other Diascias, making it a good candidate for combinations in the border or a container.  Summer to fall. bloom   8 in. x 12 in.

089-011     Diascia 'Coral Belle'  
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 Coral flowers
Diascia 'Coral Belle' has shiny arrow-shaped serrated foliage with hot coral blooms bearing medium spurs. Lovely in combination with silver foilage.  Summer to fall. bloom   10 in. x 18 in.

089-007     Diascia 'Elliot's Variety'  
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 Pale Pink flowers
Diascia 'Elliot's Variety' has large heart-shaped, lightly serrated leaves. Chubby pale pink blooms with freckled throats and a dot of yellow inside. Lovely pastel.  Summer to fall. bloom   1.5 ft. x 2.5 ft.

089-003     Diascia fetcaniensis  
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 Pink flowers
Diascia fetcaniensis bear rich pink flowers with a dark bruise in the bonnet. 18-inch stems with fuzzy mid-green leaves.  Summer to fall. bloom   15 in. x 15 in.

089-015     Diascia 'Hector's Hardy'  
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 Ruby-Pink flowers
The small ruby-pink flowers of Diascia 'Hector's Hardy' have a dark center. The foliage is narrow and willowy.  Summer to fall. bloom   12 in. x 20 in.

089-029     Diascia 'Jack Elliot'  
Sun     Zones (7), 8, 9 Pink flowers
The flower stems of Diascia 'Jack Elliot' are upright with 3/4-inch wide and 3/4-inch long, somewhat cupped, pink flowers with large down-curving spurs. The inch-wide arrow-shaped leaves are lightly toothed and short-stemmed. A Great Plant Picks selection.  June to frost. bloom   15 in. x 18 in.

089-026     Diascia 'Katherine'  
Sun     Zones 8, 9 Coral Pink flowers
The white margins of the silver-veiled, arrow-shaped leaves on Diascia 'Katherine' help to show off the bright, compact flowering stems Twin-spurred flowers have dark interiors and pronouncedly longer and wider lower lips than many other diascias. Eye-catching in the garden or containers.  Summer. bloom   6-7 in. x 10 in.

089-024     Diascia 'Langthorn's Lavender'  
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 Lavender flowers
Diascia 'Langthorn's Lavender' is the spitting image of Diascia 'Lilac Belle.' Perhaps they are one and the same. Masses of small lavender flowers on upright stems.  Summer to fall. bloom   12 in. x 12 in.

089-017     Diascia 'Lilac Belle'  
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 Lavender Pink flowers
Diascia 'Lilac Belle' has dark green, narrow serrated foliage. Small lavender-pink flowers deepening at the center. The spurs are insignificant. Floriferous.  Summer to fall. bloom   8-10 in. x 12 in.

089-019     Diascia 'Lucy'  
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 Light Coral flowers
Diascia 'Lucy' bears light coral blooms with short spurs and a bruise colored blotch in the upper bonnet. The foliage is small.  Summer to fall. bloom   8-10 in. x 12 in.

089-023     Diascia 'Red Start'  
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 Rich Apricot flowers
Diascia 'Red Start' is not red in flower, but perhaps a good "start" toward red. The flowers are a sunset apricot or perhaps the color of the richest pink salmon steak with a hint of smoke. This is a compact plant that blooms spring to fall if cut back after each round of bloom. The small lance-shaped leaves are rich green.  Spring to summer. bloom   8 in. x 12 in.

089-002     Diascia 'Ruby Fields'  
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 Dusky Rose flowers
Diascia 'Ruby Fields' is compact and very floriferous with dusky rose flowers.  Summer to fall. bloom   10 in. x 12 in.

089-036     Diascia 'Strawberry Sundae'  
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 Pink flowers
Diascia 'Strawberry Sundae' has arrow-shaped leaves that are lightly serrated on their margins. The 3/4-inch flowers are bright pink with a slight blue cast. Their interiors are dark rose as are the tips of the double spurs at the back of the flowers. Very free flowering.  Spring to autumn. bloom   12-13 inches x 12 inches

089-001     Diascia vigilis  
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 Pink flowers
Diascia vigilis is a delicate and airy spreader with subdued pink flowers. One of the hardiest. We have used this at the edge of a border near our parking lot and customers are immediately drawn to it. A little midsummer shearing keeps it neat and blooming through the end of the growing season.  Summer to fall. bloom   15 in. x 36 in.

089-035     Diascia 'White'  
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 White flowers
Diascia 'White' bears truly white bonnets, with a blush of coral pink on the inside and reverse of the upper bonnet. The foliage is arrowhead shaped, mid-green and lightly notched along the edges. It seems almost incongruous to think of a white diascia when so many customers want hot pinks and corals, but this is a really fine performer which produces masses of bloom. An excellent choice for a spot that will be viewed in the evening, the white mass of flowers really glows at dusk.  Spring to autumn. bloom   8 in. x 12 in.

028-024-1     Dicentra spectabilis 'Gold Heart'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Rich Rose/White flowers
The cultivar name, Dicentra spectabilis 'Gold Heart (Pope)', certainly lets you know that the foliage is golden and that the flowers are heart-shaped, however, a name can only go so far. The green to gold leaves are held on peach-colored stems. A row of bright rose hearts with white bases dangles from the end of each flowering stem. Bred by Nori Pope at Hadspen House Nursery, England. A Great Plant Picks selection.  Spring. bloom   3 ft. x 3 ft.

851-001D4     Dichroa febrifuga  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Lavender flowers
When we first saw Dichroa febrifuga blooming late in the season at Portland's Chinese Garden, we wondered what kind of hydrangea stayed evergreen and bloomed in the autumn. The foliage is large and well-veined. The clustered flowerhead does remind one of a hydrangea, however it is followed by stunning blue fruit that holds through the fall.  Autumn to winter. bloom   5-8 ft. x 5 ft.

851-002D4     Dichroa versicolor 'Blue Flowered'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Lavender flowers
Coming into bloom in late September, this elegant Chinese shrub extends the hydrangea blooming season into the fall. Dichroa versicolor 'Blue Flowered' bears clusters of 5-pointed star flowers have vivid violet filaments. The large hydrangea-like leaves are 9 inches long and 4 inches wide. They turn soft yellow with rosy hightlights as the weather cools. Their leaf stems are dark rose as well.  Summer to autumn. bloom   5-8 ft. x 5 ft.

1011-001D4     Dicliptera suberecta     ( Hummingbird Plant )
Full Sun     7a - 10b Orange-Red flowers
This long blooming plant is a hummingbird magnet. The soft gray green leaves and stems are hairy. Both terminal and axilary stems bear clusters of upright tubular flowers which put on their show for much of the summer. We currently grow Dicliptera in a drier planting bed in our gardens.  July to Frost bloom   24 in. x 24 in.

341-007D4     Dierama dracomontanum  
Sun     Zones 8, 9 Pink flowers
In contrast to Dierama pulcherimum (pumila), Dierama dracomontanum only gets about 30 inches tall. The pink, bell shaped flowers dangle on delicate arching stems. (These are two year old plants.)  Summer. bloom   30 in.

341-001D4     Dierama pulcherrimum     ( Angel's fishing rod )
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 Pink to Claret flowers
Dierama pulcherrimum are also known as Angel's fishing fod which describes the way the tall arching spikes of tubular, bell-shaped flowers nod in the summer breezes. Thin, fountain-like grassy foliage is attractive during throughout the growing season. (These are seedlings from our garden plants.)  Summer. bloom   3-5 ft.

739-001D4     Diervilla sessilifolia 'Butterfly'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Yellow flowers
Diervilla sessilifolia 'Butterfly' (Pieter Zwijnenburg) is also known as Bush honeysuckle. Terminal clusters of pale yellow flowers in late spring. This has repeated bloom for us in October. The glossy, lance-shaped foliage whorls up the reddened stems putting on a modest display of color in the fall.  May to June. bloom   3-5 ft. x 3-5 ft.

739-001-1     Diervilla sessilifolia 'Butterfly'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Yellow flowers
Diervilla sessilifolia 'Butterfly' (Pieter Zwijnenburg) is also known as Bush honeysuckle. Terminal clusters of pale yellow flowers in late spring. This has repeated bloom for us in October. The glossy, lance-shaped foliage whorls up the reddened stems putting on a modest display of color in the fall.  May to June. bloom   3-5 ft. x 3-5 ft.

739-002D4     Diervilla splendens (x)  
Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Yellow flowers
This is a cross of garden origin between D. sessilifolia x D. lonicera found sometime in the 1850's. Because of its medium size and the fact that it can tolerate drier sites, Diervilla x splendens is a versatile shrub that is useful both at stabilizing slopes and as part of the understory of large trees. It is a naturally colorful shrub with bronze highlights in its leaves and red in its stems. Although not showy, the clusters of yellow tubular flowers complement this mix of colors perfectly. Gold colors the leaves in the autumn.  Early summer to late summer. bloom   3-5 ft. x 4-6 ft.

739-002-1     Diervilla splendens (x)  
Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Yellow flowers
This is a cross of garden origin between D. sessilifolia x D. lonicera found sometime in the 1850's. Because of its medium size and the fact that it can tolerate drier sites, Diervilla x splendens is a versatile shrub that is useful both at stabilizing slopes and as part of the understory of large trees. It is a naturally colorful shrub with bronze highlights in its leaves and red in its stems. Although not showy, the clusters of yellow tubular flowers complement this mix of colors perfectly. Gold colors the leaves in the autumn.  Early summer to late summer. bloom   3-5 ft. x 4-6 ft.

029-002     Digitalis ferruginea     ( Rusty Foxglove. )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Rust Red flowers
Digitalis ferruginea bears one-inch rust-red flowers on densely packed spires. Handsome, veined, dark green strap foliage. From SE Europe, W. Asia. A Great Plant Picks selection.  Late spring to summer. bloom   4 ft.

029-001     Digitalis grandiflora     ( Yellow Foxglove )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Yellow flowers
Digitalis grandiflora bloom along our parking area where the soft yellow tubular flowers rise on upright stems behind a flounce of soft pink Diascia vigilis, a strangely pleasing combination. A Great Plant Picks selection.  Late spring to summer. bloom   2-2.5 ft. x 1 ft.

029-003     Digitalis laevigata     ( Foxglove )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 Brownish Yellow flowers
This clumping, perennial species of foxglove is found in the western and central Balkans. It is noted for the lack of fine hairs on its stems and leaves, thus the specific name which means "smooth." The basal leaves of Digitalis laevigata are broader in contrast to the stems leaves which are narrow and linear. The tubular flowers blooming up the flowering stems are 1.5-inches long with white lower lips that are veined and speckled in red. The upper lips are yellow brown.  Midsummer. bloom   3 ft. x 18 in.

029-009     Digitalis lanata     ( Wooly foxglove )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Yellow flowers
The bumblebees delight in entering the open mouthed flowers of Digitalis lanata. The protruding lower lip is white and the inside of the mouth is yellow netted in ochre brown. Woolly stems rise out of a mound of dark green strap shaped foliage.  Summer. bloom   24 in. x 24 in.

029-004     Digitalis lutea  
Sun     Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pale Yellow flowers
Digitalis lutea has been absent from our catalogue for several years, but not forgotten. This is distinguished by its racemes of very narrow short yellow flowers and its glossy, lance-shaped, dark green foliage. An easy-to-add complement to the mixed summer border.  Summer. bloom   24 in. x 12 in.

029-005     Digitalis mertonensis  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Strawberry Puree flowers
Digitalis x mertonensis is a cross between Digitalis grandiflora and D. purpurea. The foliage has a rugged crinkled appearance and the large, tubular flowers are an unusual but attractive pink that resembles the color of crushed strawberries.  Summer. bloom   24-30 in. x 12 in.

029-012     Digitalis parviflora  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Orange Brown flowers
Spires of narrow, tubular orange brown flowers lead the eye onward and upward. Deeply veined, dark green, lance-shaped leaves recurve underneath them as if responding to take-off. What a lovely combination of architecture, texture and colors. Digitalis parviflora is a reliable clumping perennial foxglove well-suited for the sunny mixed border. Give it a little fertility and regular water and watch it perform.  Summer. bloom   18-24 in. x 12 in.

029-020     Digitalis trojana     ( Helen of Troy Foxglove )
Sun     Zones 7, 8, 9 Cream flowers
Thanks to our friend Richie Steffen who shared seed with us from his plant expedition to Turkey. The slender upright stems form one-sided racemes bearing numerous delicate tubular flowers up the majority of their length. The movement of the stems in the wind is graceful indeed.  Summer. bloom   18 in. x 6 in.

729-003D4     Disporopsis arisanensis  
Part Shade, Shade     Zones 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Taiwan. The low arching stems do such a thorough job of covering the soil that we rarely notice their clusters of small bell-shaped flowers hiding under them. The thick, evergreen leaves are 4.5 inches long and 2 wide. Ribbed and glossy, they add luster to the woodland floor. After 5 years, our plant has formed a 3-foot pool under a towering rhododendron. Regular weekly watering during dry periods will keep Disporopsis arisanensis looking its best.  June. bloom   9 inches x spreading

729-002D4     Disporopsis pernyi (Bill Baker's Form)  
Part Shade     Zones 6, 7, 8 White flowers
Disporopsis pernyi (Bill Baker's Form) is a lovely woodland perennial, similar in habit to our Solomon's seal, with glossy, dark, evergreen leaves that alternate down the arching stems. The subtle white flowers dangle from the undersides of the stems. They are bell-shaped with black stripes inside and on the petal tips. Later dark fruits develop. And, if that is not enough to recommend it, it can even take deep shade. A Great Plant Picks selection.  Early summer. bloom   18 in. x 12 in.

505-010     Disporum bodinieri  
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
China. Diana Reeck from Collector's Nursery introduced us to Disporum bodinieri which she collected during a trip to China. The thin upright stems need to be staked if this is grown in too much shade because they tend to flop. The glossy narrow lance-shaped to obovate leaves are deeply etched with veins running longitudinally from stem to tip which gives the leaves a nice texture. Underneath the terminal leaves hide the delicate white bell flowers in sets of 2 or 3. The fruits ripen from green to purple by the end of summer.  May and June. bloom   56 in. x 10 in.

505-012D4     Disporum cantoniense 'Night Heron'  
Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Creamy Green flowers
Thanks to the expeditions of Dan Hinkley from the original Heronswood Nursery, we have this dramatic woodland perennial with bamboo-like stems that have dark new growth that turns green as it ages. Tan bracts at the leaf-nodes also are reminiscent of bamboo, as is its rizomatous nature. In flower, however, the plant is clearly in the Lily Family and produces small black fruits later in the season. The glossy foliage remains evergreen in milder climates. (The species of this plant has recently been properly identified as D. longistylum but the plant is in the trade as D. cantoniense.)  Late spring, early summer. bloom   3-5 ft. x 3 ft.

505-012-1     Disporum cantoniense 'Night Heron'  
Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Creamy Green flowers
Thanks to the expeditions of Dan Hinkley from the original Heronswood Nursery, we have this dramatic woodland perennial with bamboo-like stems that have dark new growth that turns green as it ages. Tan bracts at the leaf-nodes also are reminiscent of bamboo, as is its rizomatous nature. In flower, however, the plant is clearly in the Lily Family and produces small black fruits later in the season. The glossy foliage remains evergreen in milder climates. (The species of this plant has recently been properly identified as D. longistylum but the plant is in the trade as D. cantoniense.)  Late spring, early summer. bloom   3-5 ft. x 3 ft.

505-012     Disporum cantoniense 'Night Heron'  
Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Creamy Green flowers
################  Late spring, early summer. bloom   3-5 ft. x 3 ft.

505-008D4     Disporum flavens     ( Fairy bells )
Part Shade, Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Soft Yellow flowers
Korea. In 2007, when we installed our new woodland garden, we included many lilaceous shade lovers. One of them is this graceful clump-forming perennial. Disporum flavens is rhizomatous in nature but has always been polite. The slender fleshy stems are slightly nodding at their tips where pendant flowers in sets of 1 to 3 dangle. In the fall, attractive, glossy black fruits appear. The narrow lance-shaped leaves which are found toward the base of the plant measure up to six inches in length.  April. bloom   30 in. x 12 in.

505-003D4     Disporum sessile 'Variegatum'  
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Disporum sessile 'Variegatum' is a lovely, spreading woodland groundcover. The rounded, lance-shaped leaves are striped and margined in white. Flowers are pendant white bells with green tips.  Late spring to early summer. bloom   18 in. x 36 in.

158-007     Dodecatheon dentatum  
Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 White flowers
This native of the Northwest is found in the central and eastern Columbia Gorge. The pale flowers of Dodecatheon dentatum dangle above rosettes of light green rounded leaves. Flowers can rise on stems from 5 to 15 in.  Late spring. bloom   5-15 in.

159-001D4     Doronicum carpetanum  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 7, 8 Yellow flowers
This native of the Pyrenees forms large clumps of heart-shaped basal foliage. The yellow rayed flowers (2-3 per stem) of Doronicum carpetanum light up our woodland garden for months. Ideal for a moist woodland garden.  May to June. bloom   24 in. x 12 in.

292-001D4     Dorycnium hirsutum  
Sun     Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 Pink flowers
Visitors to the nursery always ask about our Dorycnium hirsutum. A dense, compact shrub with silky, silvery foliage. The pale pink pea flowers leave behind equally attractive ruddy fruits that extend the beauty of this plant late into the fall. An interesting addition to a well drained sunny border or container.  Summer. bloom   2.5 x 2.5

162-010     Dracocephalum argunense  
Sun     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Blue Violet flowers
Spill Dracocephalum argunense over the lip of a wall or grow it in a rockery where its long blooming terminal clusters of bright dragon's head flowers complement the yellows and whites of many alpines. The foliage is narrow and dark green.  Summer. bloom   18 in. x 12 in.

162-015     Dracocephalum argunense 'Fuji Blue'  
Sun     Zones 4-8 Soft Blue flowers
We thank Gina Cardoza for sharing this plant with us. Selected from an Asiatic member of the Dead Nettle family, Dracocephalum argunense 'Fuji Blue' is distinguished by the pale blue color of its flowers which form in dense whorled, terminal heads that are finely haired. The linear leaves are also covered in fine hair. Individual flowers are pouch-like with the upper lip of the flower tilted down to cover entry to the depths of the flower. This clumping perennial is suitable for a sunny garden.  Midsummer. bloom   18 in. x 12 in.

541-001-1     Drimys lanceolata     ( Pepper tree )
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 White flowers
Tasmania. Drimys lanceolata is conventionally rated as not hardy in the Pacific Northwest but we have had it growing on our south-facing hillside for many years. An evergreen shrub that is striking for its red stems and glossy but leathery dark green leaves. In late spring this produces clusters of white flowers.  Late spring. bloom   12 ft. x 8 ft.

541-001D4     Drimys lanceolata     ( Pepper tree )
Sun     Zones 8, 9, 10 White flowers
Tasmania. Drimys lanceolata is conventionally rated as not hardy in the Pacific Northwest but we have had it growing on our south-facing hillside for many years. An evergreen shrub that is striking for its red stems and glossy but leathery dark green leaves. In late spring this produces clusters of white flowers.  Late spring. bloom   12 ft. x 8 ft.

541-002D4     Drimys winteri     ( Winter's bark )
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 8, 9, 10 Ivory White flowers
Drimys winteri can form a large tree in its native habitat in Chile and Argentina. For us in the Pacific Northwest, it occasionally gets cut back to the ground in winter and regrows into an attractive shrub with large leathery oblong leaves. We have not seen flowers on our specimen, but those gardening in warmer climates may get to enjoy their fragrance as well as the aroma of their tangy berries.  Spring to early summer. bloom   50 ft. x 30 ft.

311-011D4     Dryopteris affinis  
Shade, Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Dryopteris affinis is also known as Golden-scaled male fern. This fern gives visual rhythm to the woodland garden. The lower sets of pinnae are attached at an angle to the stipe, while the upper ones are flatly in line with it. The result is a slight cock in the direction of each frond. Golden hair-like scales are visible on the reverse sides of the stipes.    3-4 ft. x 3-4 ft.

311-017     Dryopteris affinis 'Stableri Crisped'  
Sun, Part Shade     Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Dryopteris affinis 'Stableri Crisped' can tolerate some sun. The long semi-evergreen fronds are narrow and the pinnae are short and have a congested quality at their tips.    3 ft. x 3 ft.

311-010     Dryopteris erythrosora     ( Autumn fern )
Sun to Shade     Zones 6, 7, 8, 9
As the common name Autumn fern indicates, the cool weather brings out autumnal highlights in Dryopteris erythrosora, a very versatile deciduous fern. The spring growth is also colorful, the emerging foliage having coppery pink tones. Try this with dark leafed Heuchera and mid-sized gold leafed Hosta for a stunning effect. Needs evenly moist conditions. A Great Plant Picks selection.    2-3 ft.

311-005     Dryopteris lepidopoda     ( Sunset Fern )
Part Shade     Zones 5, 6, 7, 8
From the Himalayas, China and Taiwan. The 1- to 2-foot fronds of Dryopteris lepidopoda are semi-evergreen. The blades are broadly lance-shaped; the pinna are long-pointed; and the segments of the pinna have rounded tips. A Great Plant Picks selection.    1-2 ft. x 2 ft.

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