425-006-1 Ilex crenata 'Convexa' ( Japanese holly )
Sun, Part Shade, Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, Insignificant flowers
This is a medium sized evergreen shrub that is suitable for a broad range of sites. We grow it under an English walnut with great success. Ilex crenata 'Convexa' has matte green leaves that recurve at their edges, just as the cultivar name implies. New foliage is lime green and slightly glossy. In our garden, this Japanese holly has an open habit. We pinch back unwanted growth to keep the plant in shape. It has never grown as tall as the literature describes. After ten years it is no more than 4 feet tall and 4 feet wide. This can be used as a woodland hedge or, as we have done, as a single specimen. A Great Plant Picks selection. Spring. bloom 8 ft. x 6 ft.

425-003 Ilex crenata 'Dwarf Pagoda'
Sun, Part Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Insignificant flowers
For more than ten years, this has been one of the evergreen specimen shrublets in our raised Texture Garden. Tiny cupped leaves cloak it from head to base. The foliage is so dense and leathery, in fact, that it feels almost like plastic to the touch. Although Ilex crenata 'Dwarf Pagoda' grows slowly, it is not a difficult plant. Given adequate moisture in the summer, this becomes an ideal accent plant for a rock garden. It can even be used for a bonsai. A Great Plant Picks selection. Spring. bloom 12 in. x 12 in.

425-003D4 Ilex crenata 'Dwarf Pagoda'
Sun, Part Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Insignificant flowers
For more than ten years, this has been one of the evergreen specimen shrublets in our raised Texture Garden. Tiny cupped leaves cloak it from head to base. The foliage is so dense and leathery, in fact, that it feels almost like plastic to the touch. Although Ilex crenata 'Dwarf Pagoda' grows slowly, it is not a difficult plant. Given adequate moisture in the summer, this becomes an ideal accent plant for a rock garden. It can even be used for a bonsai. A Great Plant Picks selection. Spring. bloom 12 in. x 12 in.

425-015D4 Ilex crenata 'Helleri' ( Japanese holly )
Sun, Part Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 White flowers
Because of its compact size, this classic Japanese holly is one of the standard evergreen shrubs used in making low hedges. In habit this dense, dark green shrub is low and mounding, a little broader than it is tall. Its ability to tolerate both somewhat dry and somewhat moist conditions, in loamy soil or clay, full sun or part shade gives it a versatility that is hard to beat. The species is dioecious, having both male and female plants. Ilex crenata 'Helleri' is a female selection. Our research shows that this was released by J. Heller of Newport, Rhode Island in 1936. Early summer. bloom 8-10 in. x 8-10 in.
425-013-1 Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil'
Sun, Part Shade Zone 6-8
Our landscape garden designer John Caine likes to use Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' to add vertical accents to his designs. This narrow, columnar shrub can become a true exclamation point in a mixed border. 4-5 ft.

425-013D4 Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil'
Sun, Part Shade Zone 6-8
Our landscape garden designer John Caine likes to use Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' to add vertical accents to his designs. This narrow, columnar shrub can become a true exclamation point in a mixed border. 4-5 ft.

425-005D4 Ilex 'Rock Garden' ( Dwarf spiny holly )
Sun, Part Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Whitish flowers
We have grown Ilex 'Rock Garden' for more than 15 years in our raised gravel bed. The name 'Rock Garden' is apt not only because of the shrub's diminutive size, but also because it needs good drainage to thrive. Our specimen has finally reached 21 inches in height and about 18 inches in width. It also has only recently begun bearing bright red fruit. The dark green spiny leaves measure only about an inch-and-a-quarter in length and about a half-inch in width. The internodes between the sets of leaves is very reduced making the shrublet dense in foliage. Our research has shown us that 'Rock Garden' is a complex hybrid of much larger hollies. Spring. bloom 12 in. x 16 in.

425-005-1 Ilex 'Rock Garden' ( Dwarf spiny holly )
Sun, Part Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Whitish flowers
We have grown Ilex 'Rock Garden' for more than 15 years in our raised gravel bed. The name 'Rock Garden' is apt not only because of the shrub's diminutive size, but also because it needs good drainage to thrive. Our specimen has finally reached 21 inches in height and about 18 inches in width. It also has only recently begun bearing bright red fruit. The dark green spiny leaves measure only about an inch-and-a-quarter in length and about a half-inch in width. The internodes between the sets of leaves is very reduced making the shrublet dense in foliage. Our research has shown us that 'Rock Garden' is a complex hybrid of much larger hollies. Spring. bloom 12 in. x 16 in.

890-001 Impatiens arguta
Part Shade Zones (7), 8, 9 Orchid flowers
Even as the leaves are falling, Impatiens arguta continues to bloom. The two-inch spurred flowers are architecturally amazing. The inch-wide mouth of the flower consists of five petals asymmetically arranged. An odd erect spur rises from the top of this. In the rear is a long hood which encloses the flower. This comes to a tight whorl at its tip much like a piglet tail. In its native Nepal, we imagine it gets consistent water which is what we have found it needs. The lance-shaped, dark green foliage is etched in veins. It measures 3.5 inches long and nearly an inch-and-a-half wide and is lightly serrated along its margins. Late spring to autumn. bloom 2 ft. x 4 ft.

890-001D4 Impatiens arguta
Part Shade Zones (7), 8, 9 Orchid flowers
Even as the leaves are falling, Impatiens arguta continues to bloom. The two-inch spurred flowers are architecturally amazing. The inch-wide mouth of the flower consists of five petals asymmetically arranged. An odd erect spur rises from the top of this. In the rear is a long hood which encloses the flower. This comes to a tight whorl at its tip much like a piglet tail. In its native Nepal, we imagine it gets consistent water which is what we have found it needs. The lance-shaped, dark green foliage is etched in veins. It measures 3.5 inches long and nearly an inch-and-a-half wide and is lightly serrated along its margins. Late spring to autumn. bloom 2 ft. x 4 ft.

890-002D4 Impatiens omeiana
Shade Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Yellow flowers
This attractive but vigorous ground cover is ideal for difficult, shady sites, especially cut-outs in terraces and along sidewalks.. Impatiens omeiana spreads by underground stolons and, when it is happy, it can cloak a neglected area with its beautiful foliage. The narrow eliptical leaves are arranged in whorls. They have a ghostly white central streak down their dark green lengths and are often blushed red along their toothed edges. Curious late flowers are an added attraction. This was found by Don Jacobs on Mount Emei in Sichuan Prefecture, China. September to October. bloom 8 in. x spreading

186-004D4 Incarvillea delaveyi ( Hardy gloxinia )
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8 , 9, 10 Rose Pink flowers
From the Western Himalayas to West China. The showy three-inch flowers open like trumpets on two-foot stems. There is a blaze of yellow in the throat of each flower. Incarvillea delaveyi is an herbaceous perennial with pinnate leaves that are divided into paired sets of lance-shaped leaflets much like a fern. Early to midsummer. bloom 24 in. x 12 in.

186-002D4 Incarvillea mairei var. grandiflora
Sun Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Crimson Pink flowers
Extremely large gloxinia-shaped flowers of Incarvillea mairei var. grandiflora dangle on 6 inch stems over deeply lobed dark green glossy foliage up to 18 inches long. Needs good drainage. From the Himalayas. May to June. bloom 20 in. x 12 in.

186-003D4 Incarvillea olgae
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Rose Pink flowers
Incarvillea olgae is a tall, woody perennial with open branches bearing tubular flowers with flattened faces. Very graceful swaying in the breeze. Summer. bloom 4 ft. x 12 in.

668-001D4 Indigofera heterantha
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Rosy Purple flowers
NW Himalayas. Although our specimen has never achieved the height potential suggested in some texts, it does form an impressive shrub. Its very textural, pinate leaves are blue green on arching purple stems. Terminal racemes of purple pink pea-flowers open on upright stems. The six-inch racemes can bear more than 24 individual flowers. The narrow, tubular red brown seed pods of Indigofera heterantha are also ornamental. Summer to early autumn. bloom 6 ft. x 6 ft.

040-001 Inula ensifolia
Sun Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Yellow flowers
C. Europe. Inula ensifolia is a perfect complement for a small shrub. It forms low mounds of dark green foliage. Each erect stem bears a 2-inch yellow rayed flower. July to August. bloom 2 ft. x 12 in.

040-012D4 Inula ensifolia 'Compacta'
Sun Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Golden Yellow flowers
Inula ensifolia has delighted us for years in our borders. We were excited to find a compact form that offers the same cheerful ray-flowers on a shorter, bushier plant. Standing at about eight inches in height, it is suitable for the rock garden or the front of a sunny bed. The stemless leaves are lance-shaped and measure about 3.5 inches long. The daisy flowers of Inula ensifolia 'Compacta' measure slilghty under or over an inch in width. Mid- to late summer. bloom 6-8 in. x 12 in.

040-012 Inula ensifolia 'Compacta'
Sun Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Golden Yellow flowers
Inula ensifolia has delighted us for years in our borders. We were excited to find a compact form that offers the same cheerful ray-flowers on a shorter, bushier plant. Standing at about eight inches in height, it is suitable for the rock garden or the front of a sunny bed. The stemless leaves are lance-shaped and measure about 3.5 inches long. The daisy flowers of Inula ensifolia 'Compacta' measure slilghty under or over an inch in width. Mid- to late summer. bloom 6-8 in. x 12 in.

040-002-1 Inula helenium ( Elecampane )
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Yellow flowers
Customers see this bold perennial when they drive up to our parking lot. Even out of bloom, the immense, rounded, medium green leaves are enough to draw attention for they can measure up to 32 inches in length. Because their edges curl inward, their woolly undersides are distinctly visible. The three-inch yellow rayed flowers appear on stout stems rising up to six feet in height. Inula helenium serves as a great anchor for a sunny, summer border. Mid- to late summer. bloom 3-6 ft. x 3 ft.

040-002D4 Inula helenium ( Elecampane )
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Yellow flowers
Customers see this bold perennial when they drive up to our parking lot. Even out of bloom, the immense, rounded, medium green leaves are enough to draw attention for they can measure up to 32 inches in length. Because their edges curl inward, their woolly undersides are distinctly visible. The three-inch yellow rayed flowers appear on stout stems rising up to six feet in height. Inula helenium serves as a great anchor for a sunny, summer border. Mid- to late summer. bloom 3-6 ft. x 3 ft.

040-003D4 Inula magnifica
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Golden Yellow flowers
Eastern Caucasus. Clump-forming Inula magnifica is a powerful presence in the summer garden. Sturdy, six-foot bloom spikes rise from a mound of dark green foliage. Individual leaves measure up to ten-inches long. They are softly hairy on their undersides. The flowers appear in corymbs of from 8 to 20 blooms and are especially large, measuring up to six inches wide. Sometimes we find dark purple streaking rising up the flowering stems. This is indeed a "magnificent" perennial to anchor the back of a perennial border. Late summer. bloom 6 ft. x 3 ft.

040-004-1 Inula orientalis
Sun Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Yellow flowers
The extra-large mostly single daisies are composed of narrow, clear yellow ray florets around a yellow orange central disk. Individual ray florets arch slightly, eyelash-like. Leaves, stems and flower buds are all densely covered with soft hairs that glisten in the sunlight. The fine-haired, bracted buds are curiously attractive as they swell to reveal their golden treasures - four-inch flowers that are sweetly scented. July and August. bloom 24 in. x 24 in.

040-004D4 Inula orientalis
Sun Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Yellow flowers
The extra-large mostly single daisies are composed of narrow, clear yellow ray florets around a yellow orange central disk. Individual ray florets arch slightly, eyelash-like. Leaves, stems and flower buds are all densely covered with soft hairs that glisten in the sunlight. The fine-haired, bracted buds are curiously attractive as they swell to reveal their golden treasures - four-inch flowers that are sweetly scented. July and August. bloom 24 in. x 24 in.

705-001 Ipheion uniflorum
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Light Blue flowers
Our dry border is lined with Ipheion uniflorum which produces upward facing starry blue flowers. The strap-like foliage is lustrous green and persists through the winter. Spring to early summer. bloom 6 in.

705-002 Ipheion uniflorum 'Album'
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
We received Ipheion uniflorum 'Album' from our friend Jean Natter who received it at an International Bulb Society conference as a donation from Alberto Castillo, a collector in Argentina. The flowers and foliage are almost double the size of the species. Spring to early summer. bloom 6-8 in.

041-170D4 Iris 'Buff Dancer'
Sun Zones 7, 8, 9 Buff to Coral flowers
Iris 'Buff Dancer' is a broad-leaved water iris with unusually colored flowers of buff with a hint of coral. June. bloom 30 in.
041-156 Iris cristata f. alba
Part Shade Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 White flowers
Iris cristata f. alba is an east coast native that is one of the ephemeral joys in our Woodland Garden. The delicate, 1-1/2-inch white flowers of Iris cristata f. alba have yellow patches on their falls. The foliage is lance-shaped and mid-green. Spring. bloom 4 in.

041-037D4 Iris foetidissima ( Stinking iris )
Sun Zones 7, 8, 9 Purple flowers
The purple beardless flowers of Iris foetidissima cannot match the autumn show when the large seed capsules split revealing a treasury of bright scarlet seeds within. Early summer. bloom 1-3 ft. x 3 ft.

041-126D4 Iris foetidissima 'Variegata'
Yes, the seldom-seen flowers are attractive, but they are not the reason to grow this plant. Grow it instead for its boldly striped evergreen strap leaves and for the fact that it is willing to make itself at home in a variety of situations, even shade. Add it to create dramatic winter interest especially in combination with deciduous shrubs. Because it produces few flowers, Iris foetidissima `Variegata' rarely seeds itself and is much better behaved than its all-green relative.

041-126-1 Iris foetidissima 'Variegata'
Sun, Part Shade, Shade Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Purple flowers
Yes, the seldom-seen flowers are attractive, but they are not the reason to grow this plant. Grow it instead for its boldly striped evergreen strap leaves and for the fact that it is willing to make itself at home in a variety of situations, even shade. Add it to create dramatic winter interest especially in combination with deciduous shrubs. Because it produces few flowers, Iris foetidissima `Variegata' rarely seeds itself and is much better behaved than its all-green relative. Early summer. bloom 18-24 in. x 18 in.

041-017-1 Iris 'Holden Clough'
Sun-Part Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Yellow/Purple Veining flowers
Iris 'Holden Clough' is a water-loving iris with flowers of subdued yellow overlaid with attractive purple-brown veining. Evergreen foliage in mild climates. June. bloom 3 ft.

041-017D4 Iris 'Holden Clough'
Sun-Part Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Yellow/Purple Veining flowers
Iris 'Holden Clough' is a water-loving iris with flowers of subdued yellow overlaid with attractive purple-brown veining. Evergreen foliage in mild climates. June. bloom 3 ft.

041-012D4 Iris japonica ( Orchid iris )
Part Shade Zones 7, 8, 9 Pale Lavender flowers
Iris japonica bears orchid-like flowers of pale lavender spotted with dark lavender that rise on slender stems above a fan of sword-leafed foliage. May to June. bloom 24-30 in.

041-044-1 Iris japonica 'Aphrodite'
Part Shade Zones 7, 8, 9 White/Pale Lavender Blue flowers
Iris japonica 'Aphrodite' has broad ivory stripes up the evergreen blades. In the middle of winter this is still beautiful. Delicate orchid-like blooms. May to June. bloom 24 in.

041-044D4 Iris japonica 'Aphrodite'
Part Shade Zones 7, 8, 9 White/Pale Lavender Blue flowers
Iris japonica 'Aphrodite' has broad ivory stripes up the evergreen blades. In the middle of winter this is still beautiful. Delicate orchid-like blooms. May to June. bloom 24 in.

041-042-1 Iris kamaonensis
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Lilac flowers
Iris kamaonensis bears fragrant lilac flowers with purple veins and white beard. From the central Himalayas. Late spring. bloom 8 inches.

041-042D4 Iris kamaonensis
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Lilac flowers
Iris kamaonensis bears fragrant lilac flowers with purple veins and white beard. From the central Himalayas. Late spring. bloom 8 inches.

041-239-1 Iris laevigata
Sun Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Purple Blue flowers
Iris laevigata is a water-loving iris from Asia. Unbranched stems bear 2 to 4 flowers. The standards are short, the falls quite long. June to July. bloom 32 in.
041-102D4 Iris lazica
Sun, Part Shade Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 Lavender flowers
Although it is allied to the winter-blooming Iris unguicularis, in our experience, Iris lazica comes into bloom later, often not until mid-February. Its evergreen foliage has more substance and is broader than that of its relation and its flowers seem a bit larger. The flowers are tucked within the leaves and so their color is only glimpsed. This is a pleasing sight on a chilly winter's day. Up close, the falls of the flowers are white at their bases and are streaked in lavender. There is a yellow blaze in the center of this area. The falls become more densely streaked and lavender near their recurved tips. The standards are mostly lavender. We grow Iris lazica in full sun but some gardeners report that its foliage does best with some light shade. January to April. bloom 12-14 in x 14 in.

041-014D4 Iris louisiana 'Black Gamecock' ( Louisiana Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Dark Purple flowers
This water-loving iris has six-inch, purple black, velvety flowers with a golden blaze on the petals. Looking down on the flower you can see its elegant triangular shape. Although this is happy in ordinary garden soil, it is a plant that can handle wet sites. Iris l. `Black Gamecock' is spreading but is easily down-sized. Early summer. bloom 3 ft. x spreading

041-159D4 Iris pallida 'Aurea Variegata' ( Zebra Iris )
full sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 pale violet blue flowers
Iris pallida `Aurea Variegata' is evergreen in Pacific Northwest gardens, although it will die back in colder climates. We love the strong glaucus green leaves with golden yellow stripes lighting up grey days or glowing in summer twilight. The fragrant pale violet blue flowers are a bonus. This plant has been rumored to not be favored by deer or rabbits. It thrives best in full sun with good drainage. early summer bloom 18"-22" x 24"
041-131D4 Iris pseudacorus 'Variegata' ( Yellow flag )
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Yellow flowers
Iris pseudacorus 'Variegata' is noted for the cream-white edging on the margins of the young foliage which decreases as the leaves mature. Midsummer. bloom 4 ft.
041-245D4 Iris siberica 'Adj' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Deep Violet Blue flowers
Of all the iris in our stock area, Iris siberica 'Adj' (McEwen, 1983) draws the most raves. The regal bloom has deep violet blue (almost blue black) falls with the thinnest razor-edged margin of gold, which is echoed inside the blue veined blaze. Late spring and early summer. bloom 3 ft.

041-181D4 Iris siberica 'Ann Dasch' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Light Blue Purple flowers
We have grown Iris siberica 'Ann Dasch' for 15 years but somehow this beauty has been forgotten when it is time to lift and divide plants. We are pleased to offer it now. Blue purple flowers have darker margins and their falls have a yellow haft at their bases. This was the Morgan Award winner in 1983. Late spring to early summer. bloom 36 in. x 36 in.

041-182D4 Iris siberica 'Bellissima' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Iris siberica 'Bellissima' (Warburton, '86) bears puffled pure white blooms with a green flush at the signals. Late spring and early summer. bloom 2-3 ft.
041-178D4 Iris siberica 'Butter and Sugar' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Iris siberica 'Butter and Sugar's (McEwen, '77) creamy buds open to white flowers with yellow signals. A shorter form. Late spring and early summer. bloom 2-3 ft.

041-177D4 Iris siberica 'Dance Ballerina Dance' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White/Lavender Rose flowers
Iris siberica 'Dance Ballerina Dance' has nearly white standards. Lavender-rose falls. Ruffled. Blooms early. Late spring and early summer. bloom 30 in.

041-184D4 Iris siberica 'Dear Dianne' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun. Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Blue flowers
The large flowers of Iris siberica 'Dear Dianne' have wavy-edged, rich blue falls that have a razor-fine line of white along their margins. The standards are a clear rich blue. Even the foliage has a blue cast to it. Late spring and early summer. bloom 40 in.

041-185D4 Iris siberica 'Dreaming Orange' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Cream flowers
The flowers of Iris siberica 'Dreaming Orange' (McEwen) are truly only "dreaming" about being orange. The lemony buds open to large creamy white falls that fade attractively to pure white. The signalx are golden yellow and the standards are pure white. Late spring and early summer. bloom 40 in.

041-233D4 Iris siberica 'Fairy Dawn' ( Siberian Iris )
Sun, Part Shade Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 White, Pink flowers
Hybridized by Elizabeth Scheffy of West Mansfield, MA and registered in 1953, Iris siberica 'Fairy Dawn' has managed to persist in the nursery trade for a long time. It is known for its early season of bloom and its white standards that contrast with its falls which are flushed in pink. Siberian iris look attractive even when they are not in bloom because their grass-like foliage remains vibrant until late in the season. Early summer. bloom 24 in. x 24 in.
041-134D4 Iris siberica 'Flight of Butterflies' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Mid-Blue flowers
Iris siberica 'Flight of Butterflies' is a delicate beauty. Numerous small flowers with mid-blue violet standards and bluish white veined falls. The foliage is low and very narrow. Late spring and early summer. bloom 3 ft.

041-186D4 Iris siberica 'Forrest McCord' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Dark Blue flowers
Iris siberica 'Forrest McCord' is elegant with dark blue falls sporting tasteful gold signals at their bases. The falls have a razor thin white margin. Late spring and early summer. bloom 3 ft.

041-187D4 Iris siberica 'Four Winds' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Mid Sky Blue flowers
The mid-blue flowers of Iris siberica 'Four Winds' are small and very deltoid in shape. The blaze is white with dark netting. A compact iris with mid-sized stems. Midspring to early summer. bloom 24-28 in.

041-180D4 Iris siberica 'George Henry' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Blue flowers
Iris siberica 'George Henry' is classic in form with upright standards and blue falls that have a red over-wash. The pale blue hasps are lovely accents. Somewhat bluish foliage enhances the overall beauty of the flowers. Late spring and early summer. bloom 3 ft.

041-188D4 Iris siberica 'Harpswell Haze' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Blue flowers
The shape of the flowers of Iris siberica 'Harpswell Haze' (McEwen) harks back to an earlier age. The blue falls do exactly that - fall straight downward, emphasizing the large upright standards. The prominent signal is white with dark netting and buff-red highlights. A large bloom. Late spring and early summer. bloom 3 ft.

041-189D4 Iris siberica 'Heliotrope Bouquet' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Light mauve flowers
Iris siberica 'Heliotrope Bouquet' bears pale mauve flowers with feathery styles. Late spring and early summer. bloom 2.5 ft.

041-190D4 Iris siberica 'High Standards' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Dark Blue-Purple flowers
Iris siberica 'High Standards' bears tall dark blue-purple with a classic form. Very tall foliage. Late spring and early summer. bloom 4 ft.

041-191D4 Iris siberica 'Indy' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Red-Violet flowers
Iris siberica 'Indy' (Hollingsworth, '85) has red-violet falls. Red-violet standards with a blue influence. Late spring and early summer. bloom 32 in.

041-192D4 Iris siberica 'Jaybird' ( Siberian Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Blue flowers
The rich blue falls of Iris siberica 'Jaybird' (Hager, '82) have gold and white netting and are edged in pale silver. The contrasting standards are periwinkle. Late spring and early summer. bloom 30 in.

041-193D4 Iris siberica 'Lady Vanessa' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Amethyst flowers
The flower shape of Iris siberica 'Lady Vanessa' (Hollingsworth) is deltoid. Burgundy buds unfurl claret falls with distinct white signals penciled with dark tracery. The smoky amethyst standards have lavender hasps. A thrilling color combo. Late spring and early summer. bloom 30 in.

041-195D4 Iris siberica 'Lucky Lilac' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Lavender Pink flowers
Iris siberica 'Lucky Lilac' bears lavender-pink flowers. Possible repeat blooms. Late spring and early summer. bloom 36 in.

041-196D4 Iris siberica 'Moonsilk' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Cream flowers
The yellow buds of Iris siberica 'Moonsilk' open to a very deltoid shaped flower. The falls are creamy yellow fading to white, each with a subdued yellow blaze. The standards are white. Late spring and early summer. bloom 20 in.

041-018D4 Iris siberica 'Navy Strut' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Mid-Blue flowers
Iris siberica 'Navy Strut' bears large flowers of mid-blue. Late spring and early summer. bloom 36 in.
041-101D4 Iris siberica 'Orville Fay' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Violet Blue flowers
Iris siberica 'Orville Fay' bears violet blue flowers with dark veining. Late spring and early summer. bloom 36 in.

041-179D4 Iris siberica 'Percheron' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Blue flowers
Iris siberica 'Percheron' bears dramatic ruffled flowers with dark veined blue standards. The falls are mottled blue and rosy blue with pale blue epaulets. Midspring to early summer. bloom 3 ft.

041-100D4 Iris siberica 'Perry's Pygmy' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Red Violet flowers
Iris siberica 'Perry's Pygmy' (Perry) bears red violet standards with violet falls that have a white signal. Blooms are small. Late spring and early summer. bloom 40 in.
041-197D4 Iris siberica 'Pink Sparkle' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Lavender Pink flowers
Iris siberica 'Pink Sparkle' (Hager, '85) bears matching lavender pink standards and falls. A close look reveals blue veining on the falls. Late spring and early summer. bloom 48 in.

041-198D4 Iris siberica 'Regency Belle' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Rich Blue flowers
Iris siberica 'Regency Belle' bears large showy flowers with rich blue ruffled falls and broad triangular blue standards. The hasps are a contrasting sky blue. Late spring and early summer. bloom 30 in.

041-199D4 Iris siberica 'Regency Buck' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Purple-Blue flowers
Iris siberica 'Regency Buck' (McEwen, '85) has attractive somewhat blue-green foliage. Lovely, very large dark purple-blue flowers with wide ruffled falls. Good late bloomer. Late spring and early summer. bloom 36 in.

041-200D4 Iris siberica 'Reprise' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Purple flowers
We are still waiting for Iris siberica 'Reprise' (Warburton) to repeat bloom. Despite the disappointment, we heartily recommend its exquisite blend of red purple and blue purple flowers. The signal is white, netted with red buff. Late spring and early summer. bloom 36 in.

041-099D4 Iris siberica 'Rimouski' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Iris siberica 'Rimouski' (Isabelle Preston) is pure white with yellow influence. Said to repeat bloom, but has not for us. Late spring and early summer. bloom 36 in.

041-201D4 Iris siberica 'Shirley Pope' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Purple flowers
The foliage of Iris siberica 'Shirley Pope' (McEwen, '79) is distinctly dark green. Black buds open to reveal sumptuous velvety purple flowers with purple-veined white signals. Late spring and early summer. bloom 36 in.

041-201-1 Iris siberica 'Shirley Pope'
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Purple flowers
The foliage of Iris siberica 'Shirley Pope' (McEwen, '79) is distinctly dark green. Black buds open to reveal sumptuous velvety purple flowers with purple-veined white signals. Late spring to early summer. bloom 36 in.

041-202D4 Iris siberica 'Sultan's Ruby' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Dark Magenta flowers
The black buds of Iris siberica 'Sultan's Ruby' open to velvety magenta falls each with a stunning yellow blaze. This is a very large and showy flower. Late spring and early summer. bloom 3 ft.

041-203D4 Iris siberica 'Windwood Spring' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Light Blue flowers
Iris siberica 'Windwood Spring' bears ruffled, light blue flowers with large white blazes. Late spring and early summer. bloom 36 in.

041-143D4 Iris siberica 'Wizardry' ( Siberican Iris )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Lavender flowers
Iris siberica 'Wizardry' (Hollingworth, '85) has white standards with lavender falls and gold blazes. Late spring and early summer. bloom 36 in.

041-234D4 Iris sogdiana
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Violet flowers
Raised from seed we purchased from plantsman Josef Halda after one of his expeditions to the Altai Mountains, Iris sogdiana has proven to be a garden-worthy plant. It is found in a broad area extending from China to Pakistan and west to Afghanistan and Russia. Sword-like leaves are broad and well-veined. The flowering stems are shorter than the leaves. They contain three sets of bracts each with two flowers within. The upright standards which are violet in color are shorter than the falls which extend outward not downward. The falls are contracted at their centers and have a blaze of yellow before they expand into spoon-like tips which are veined in violet. The long hasps are yellow and violet. June. bloom 10-14 in. x creeping
041-235D4 Iris unguicularis
Sun Zones 7, 8, 9 Lavender-Blue flowers
Some years Iris unguicularis begins blooming in late autumn and then repeats in the late winter. The flowers bloom within long grass-like evergreen foliage, perhaps seeking its protection. Not showy from a distance but a breath of fresh air at a difficult time of year. We treasure the lavender-blue flowers with yellow blazes on their falls. (Late autumn), late winter and early spring. bloom 12 in.

041-210D4 Iris unguicularis 'Walter Butt' ( Algerian iris )
Sun, Part Shade Zones 7, 8, 9 Pale Lavender flowers
Winter can be a daunting time for those who feel incomplete without flowers blooming in the garden. Here is a stalwart iris that can help. Iris unguicularis 'Walter Butt' was found and introduced by plantsman E.B. Anderson at his home Bales Mead which was formerly owned by Walter Butt. The leaves of this selection are broader than the type species and the flowers are larger. The pale standards of the flowers rise above the soft lavender falls. There is feather-like veining at the base of the falls around a central streak of gold. The flowers are surprisingly fragrant. It takes some years for this iris to bulk up and flower freely. The evergreen foliage will have to serve as a consolation to impatient gardeners. Winter to early spring. bloom 18 in. x 24 in.

533-004D4 Itea ilicifolia ( Holly-leaved sweetspire )
Sun, Part Shade Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 White Green flowers
The plant explorer Augustine Henry introduced this Asian relative of Itea virginica in 1895 from Yichang on the Yangtze River in Hubei, China. Itea ilicifolia is a versatile evergreen shrub with an arching habit. Its shiny, dark, holly-like leaves have spiny margins. Astonishing panicles of white flowers more than a foot long hang like tresses from the branches. Late summer to early autumn. bloom 10-15 ft. x 10 ft.

533-001-1 Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet'
Sun, Part Shade, Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 White flowers
It is hard to compliment Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet' enough. Not only does it have fuzzy, large pipe-cleaner-like racemes of fragrant flowers in midsummer, but, by late summer, the leaves begin to turn brilliant shades of burgundy and red. In our mild winters the shrub is semi-evergreen and keeps its colors into the spring. Spring. bloom 3.5-4 ft. x 3-5 ft.

533-001D4 Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet'
Sun, Part Shade, Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 White flowers
It is hard to compliment Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet' enough. Not only does it have fuzzy, large pipe-cleaner-like racemes of fragrant flowers in midsummer, but, by late summer, the leaves begin to turn brilliant shades of burgundy and red. In our mild winters the shrub is semi-evergreen and keeps its colors into the spring. Spring. bloom 3.5-4 ft. x 3-5 ft.

533-003D4 Itea virginica 'Merlot' ( Virginia sweetspire )
Sun, Part Shade Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
The fragrant, pipe-cleaner-like inflorescences of Itea 'Merlot' create a cascading pattern on this mid-sized ornamental shrub. Apple green foliage is somewhat rounded and finely toothed along its edges. This selection is named for its wine-colored, persistent winter foliage. June to July. bloom 3.5-4 ft. x 4 ft.

533-003-1 Itea virginica 'Merlot' ( Virginia sweetspire )
Sun, Part Shade Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
The fragrant, pipe-cleaner-like inflorescences of Itea 'Merlot' create a cascading pattern on this mid-sized ornamental shrub. Apple green foliage is somewhat rounded and finely toothed along its edges. This selection is named for its wine-colored, persistent winter foliage. June to July. bloom 3.5-4 ft. x 4 ft.
