462-001 Raoulia australis
Sun Zones 8, 9 Yellow flowers
New Zealand. Raoulia australis forms an incredibly tight ground cover. The small silvery foliage is so dense and thick it feels hard to the touch. Sensitive to winter moisture, but this has survived in our garden for many years sometimes dying out in the center. It is so unusual, it is eye-catching. Summer. bloom 1/2 in. x 12 in.
069-001 Rehmannia elata ( Chinese Foxglove )
Sun, Part Shade Zones 8, 9, 10 Purple Pink flowers
When Rehmannia elata is in bloom, it is one of our most-requested plants. The eye-catching, tubular, open-faced flowers face outward from tall spikes. When they are fully open, the 3-to-4-inch-wide flowers reveal their yellow throats which are lightly freckled in red. The basal foliage forms a rosette of large, fuzzy, lightly lobed mid-green leaves. In habit this perennial is relaxed. Allow the long blooming spikes to mingle with their neighbors in an open or partly shaded garden. Summer. bloom 3 ft. x 20 in.

452-001-1 Rhamnus alaternus 'Argenteovariegata' ( Italian buckthorn )
Sun Zones 7, 8, 9 Yellow Green flowers
Rhamnus alaternus 'Argenteovariegata' ('Variegata') is a mediterranean shrub and prefers a sunny, warm, well-drained site. The dramatic creamy margins on the rounded, grayish evergreen leaves make it especially welcome in the winter garden. The flowers come in a flush in early summer but the foliage is so attractive, you scarcely notice them. The later red fruits are very attractive before they age to black. Early summer. bloom 15 ft. x 12 ft.

452-001D4 Rhamnus alaternus 'Argenteovariegata' ( Italian buckthorn )
Sun Zones 7, 8, 9 Yellow Green flowers
Rhamnus alaternus 'Argenteovariegata' ('Variegata') is a mediterranean shrub and prefers a sunny, warm, well-drained site. The dramatic creamy margins on the rounded, grayish evergreen leaves make it especially welcome in the winter garden. The flowers come in a flush in early summer but the foliage is so attractive, you scarcely notice them. The later red fruits are very attractive before they age to black. Early summer. bloom 15 ft. x 12 ft.

452-004D4 Rhamnus californica 'Seaview' ( Coffee berry )
Sun Zones 7, 8, 9 Cream flowers
This fine evergreen shrub was introduced by the legendary Sarotoga Horticultural Foundation in its efforts to promote California native plants. Although the literature says that Rhamnus californica 'Seaview' grows three-feet tall and six-feet wide, we have found that it reaches about 5 feet tall and wide in our garden, perhaps due to regular watering. The flowers emerge in axilary clusters and, although they are quite small, they attract all kinds of pollinators. Fruits are a little larger than a quarter-inch in diameter. They begin green and mature to red and finally black. They are beloved by small mammals and birds. The leaves are oblong in shape, mid-green in color and, at first glance, look smooth with a dull gloss. However,a closer examination reveals that their veins are recessed and the leaves have a slightly puckered feel. Use this shrub in a low-water garden or a pollinator garden. Late spring, early summer. bloom 5 ft. x 6 ft.

459-001D4 Rhaphiolepis umbellatum minor
Sun Zones 8, 9, 10 White flowers
Japan, Korea. Rhaphiolepis umbellatum minor is a pleasing small evergreen shrub with dark green, glossy leaves that have pale green reverses. Near the tips of the stems, the contrasting young foliage is apple green with reddish margins. Many of the leaves have wavy edges giving the entire plant an undulating appearance. The leaves are arranged in stiffly upright whorls up reddish stems. After 12 years, our plant is over 3 feet tall with similar width. Early summer. bloom 3 ft. x 3 ft.

781-001-1 Rhodotypos scandens
Sun, Part Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 White flowers
China, Japan. Rhodotypos scandens is a medium sized deciduous shrub that grows on the north side of our Four Seasons Garden. We admire its deeply veined, corduroy-like leaves and the papery, white, four-petalled flowers that grace its stem tips. Glossy black berries appear in late summer. Spring to early summer. bloom 5 ft. x 5 ft.

923-002D4 Rhus trilobata ( Sumac )
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Yellow flowers
From Washington to California eastward. This adaptable shrub was used by native North Americans for medicinal purposes and as a source for dyes. Although it is sometimes called skunkbush because of the odor its leaves emit when crushed, that name does not suggest the beauty of Rhus trilobata. In the spring, short panicles of yellow flowers emerge before the shrub leafs out. When the leaves emerge, they are green above, but pale on their reverses. Small red fruits are set from August to October when the leaves begin to turn red and orange. Indeed, in our area, this is one of the most reliable shrubs for an autumnal show. Because of its suckering habit, it is excellent holding soils together on a bank or a slope. Spring. bloom 3-6 ft. x 6-8 ft.
526-004-1 Ribes alpinum 'Aureum'
Sun Zones 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Green Yellow flowers
The foliage of Ribes alpinum 'Aureum' is bright yellow-white fading to pale yellow as it ages. This is a female plant which will bear red fruits in late summer. Spring. bloom 2 ft. x 3 ft.
526-023D4 Ribes davidii
Shade, Part Shade Zones 7, 8 Greenish White flowers
There is a need for attractive, low, evergreen suckering shrubs that are suitable for woodland areas. Ribes davidii fits that description. Its leathery leaves, which are lightly toothed along their edges, take on red tones during the winter. The leaves measure a little more than an inch in length and an inch in width at their largest. This shrublet has both male and female flowers - the male being upright and the female found in clusters of 2 to 3 at the leaf-axils. Our plants have not fruited but we are told that fruits will be small and purple. This is found in mixed deciduous and evergreen forests as well as on slopes and in rocky areas in its native range in China. Spring. bloom 1 ft. x 3 ft.

526-005D4 Ribes gordonianum
Sun, Part Shade Zones 6, 7, 8 Green/White-Red flowers
Ribes x gordonianum is a cross between Ribes petraeum and R. sanguineum that produces a mid-sized shrub. Red flowers with yellow insides are produced in profusion. There is no fruit set. Spring. bloom 6 ft. x 8 ft.

526-007D4 Ribes nigrum 'Black September'
Sun, Part Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Green/White-Red flowers
Ribes nigrum 'Black September' is an excellent compact shrub with black, very large edible currants in late summer. The foliage is a matte textured dark green. Spring. bloom 3 ft. x 4 ft.
526-007-1 Ribes nigrum 'Black September'
Sun, Part Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Green/White-Red flowers
Ribes nigrum 'Black September' is an excellent compact shrub with black, very large edible currants in late summer. The foliage is a matte textured dark green. Spring. bloom 3 ft. x 4 ft.
526-003-1 Ribes odoratum ( Clove currant )
Sun, Part Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Yellow flowers
Ribes odoratum (aureum) is often called clove currant because of the clove scented racemes of yellow flowers. These give rise to small dark fruits. The bright green foliage turns lovely shades of red and purple in the fall. Mid to late spring. bloom 6 ft. x 6 ft.

526-003D4 Ribes odoratum ( Clove currant )
Sun, Part Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Yellow flowers
Ribes odoratum (aureum) is often called clove currant because of the clove scented racemes of yellow flowers. These give rise to small dark fruits. The bright green foliage turns lovely shades of red and purple in the fall. Mid to late spring. bloom 6 ft. x 6 ft.

526-015D4 Ribes sanguineum 'Brocklebankii' ( Flowering currant )
Part Shade Zones 6, 7, 8 Pink flowers
We were introduced to Ribes sanguineum 'Brocklebankii' by our friend Jim Fox. It is not nearly as quick to mature as the others forms we grow. Its bright yellow spring foliage cools down into chartreuse shades by summer. Protect it from hot sun. Early spring. bloom 4 ft. x 4 ft.

526-022-1 Ribes sanguineum 'Elk River Red' ( Flowering Current )
Sun, Part Shade Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Rosy Red flowers
Reports vary on the ultimate height of Ribes sanguineum 'Elk River Red' but in our garden it has been slow to grow. From our research, we find that this was collected in about 1970 at Elk River which is near Port Orford, OR. Our experience also confirms reports that this is early to bloom, a few weeks earlier than the well-known Ribes 'King Edward VII'. We admire the bushy habit of this shrub and the gayness of its flowers during a chilly time of year. It is equally admired by resident hummingbirds. In the autumn, the shrub bears dark fruits that are covered with a whitish bloom. The 5-lobed leaves turn an attractive golden color before they fall. Spring. bloom 6 ft. x 4 ft.

526-022D4 Ribes sanguineum 'Elk River Red' ( Flowering currant )
Sun, Part Shade Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Rosy Red flowers
Reports vary on the ultimate height of Ribes sanguineum 'Elk River Red' but in our garden it has been slow to grow. From our research, we find that this was collected in about 1970 at Elk River which is near Port Orford, OR. Our experience also confirms reports that this is early to bloom, a few weeks earlier than the well-known Ribes 'King Edward VII'. We admire the bushy habit of this shrub and the gayness of its flowers during a chilly time of year. It is equally admired by resident hummingbirds. In the autumn, the shrub bears dark fruits that are covered with a whitish bloom. The 5-lobed leaves turn an attractive golden color before they fall. Spring. bloom 6 ft. x 4 ft.

526-010D4 Ribes sanguineum 'King Edward VII' ( Flowering currant )
Sun, Part Shade Zones 6, 7, 8 Dark Scarlet flowers
Ribes sanguineum 'King Edward VII' is the darkest red flowering of all the Ribes we grow. It is hard to resist the color red in the early spring garden. Our hummingbirds agree. Persistent dark blue fruits appear in summer. The foliage takes on amber and gold tints in autumn. A Great Plant Picks selection. Spring. bloom 6 ft. x 6 ft.

526-014D4 Ribes sanguineum 'Mesa Red' ( Flowering currant )
Sun, Part Shade Zones 6, 7, 8 Violet Red flowers
Perhaps it is quibbling over minor differences, but the flowers of Ribes sanguineum 'Mesa Red' have more violet in their red. The hummingbirds don't seem to mind however, and the shrub provides them with both food and nesting cover. Spring. bloom 10 ft. x 8 ft.

526-016D4 Ribes sanguineum 'Pokey's Pink' ( Flowering currant )
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8 Candy Pink flowers
A chance discovery in the Columbia Gorge, the pink flowered Ribes sanguineum 'Pokey's Pink' extends the color range of this deciduous shrub giving us yet another color choice for our spring gardens. A treat for the early season hummingbirds and good nesting cover as well. Early spring. bloom 6 ft. x 6 ft.

526-008D4 Ribes sanguineum var. glutinosum 'Claremont' ( Flowering Current )
Sun Zones 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
This open-habited, deciduous shrub was named for the town of Claremont, CA, home of Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden which introduced it. Although the variety is found in coastal ranges in Santa Barbara County, it has been happy in our garden in the Pacific Northwest for more than a decade. The leaves of the variety are softer green than our own native. The flowers of Ribes 'Claremont' have paler centers. Hanging in showy eight-inch long clusters, their color darkens as they age. In the fall, the shrub bears rounded dark fruits that have a white bloom on them. Spring. bloom 7 ft. x 5 ft.

526-008-1 Ribes sanguineum var. glutinosum 'Claremont' ( Flowering Current )
Sun Zones 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
This open-habited, deciduous shrub was named for the town of Claremont, CA, home of Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden which introduced it. Although the variety is found in coastal ranges in Santa Barbara County, it has been happy in our garden in the Pacific Northwest for more than a decade. The leaves of the variety are softer green than our own native. The flowers of Ribes 'Claremont' have paler centers. Hanging in showy eight-inch long clusters, their color darkens as they age. In the fall, the shrub bears rounded dark fruits that have a white bloom on them. Spring. bloom 7 ft. x 5 ft.

526-011D4 Ribes sanguineum 'Variegata' ( Flowering currant )
Sun, Part Shade Zones 6, 7, 8 Red flowers
Adding yet another feature to this already splendid shrub, the variegation of Ribes sanguineum 'Variegata' is more of a misting of cream than bars and stripes. As the leaves age the cream mellows to a milky white. Try growing a 6-8 ft. Clematis through its branches to extend the bloom period. Spring. bloom 6 ft. x 6 ft.

526-017D4 Ribes sanguineum 'White Icicle' ( Flowering currant )
Sun, Part Shade Zones 6, 7, 8 White flowers
Ribes sanguineum 'White Icicle' ('Icicle') blooms even earlier for us than our pink and red forms. The name describes the dangling racemes of snow white flowers that adorn this midsized shrub. Round black fruits appear in summer. A Great Plant Picks selection. Early spring. bloom 6-8 ft. x 6 ft.

283-001D4 Rodgersia aesculifolia
Part Shade, Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Creamy White flowers
The specific name of this dramatic, woodland perennial refers to its palmate leaves which resemble those of horse chestnut trees. Individual leaves measure more than 28 inches across. They are composed of five, six or seven leaflets which at their largest can measure 16 inches in length and 8 in width. In our garden, the upright leaf-stems can reach 3-4 feet in height. Flowering stems rise above the leaves bearing astilbe-like panicles of fragrant flowers. The stems are stained red-brown in places and are coarsely hairy when young but grow smooth with age. Rodgersia aesculifolia prefers a moist site or regular water throughout the growing season. Midsummer. bloom 3-5 ft x 3-5 ft.

283-001-1 Rodgersia aesculifolia
Part Shade, Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Creamy White flowers
The specific name of this dramatic, woodland perennial refers to its palmate leaves which resemble those of horse chestnut trees. Individual leaves measure more than 28 inches across. They are composed of five, six or seven leaflets which at their largest can measure 16 inches in length and 8 in width. In our garden, the upright leaf-stems can reach 3-4 feet in height. Flowering stems rise above the leaves bearing astilbe-like panicles of fragrant flowers. The stems are stained red-brown in places and are coarsely hairy when young but grow smooth with age. Rodgersia aesculifolia prefers a moist site or regular water throughout the growing season. Midsummer. bloom 3-5 ft. x 3-5 ft.

283-007-1 Rodgersia pinnata 'Superba'
Part Shade Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Pink flowers
Bold foliage gives a sense of drama to a garden but, at the same time that it draws the eye, it also helps to anchor a border. There are few plants that can rival the many species of Rodgersia in creating this effect. Rising on three-to-four-foot ruddy stems, the great three-foot leaves present quite a spectacle. They are divided into anywhere from five to nine leaflets in a pinnate fashion as the species name indicates. Each leaflet is deeply etched with veins and crinkled in appearance and usually has a bronze flush along its edges. The flowering stems are also reddish and bear one-to-two-foot panicles bearing clusters of small, pink star-burst flowers. Rodgersia pinnata 'Superba' is found near stream sides and in damp woodlands of Sichuan and Yunnan provinces in China and so it needs regular water throughout the growing season. Mid- to late summer. bloom 4 ft. x 3 ft.

283-004-1 Rodgersia podophylla
Part Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Creamy Green flowers
From Japan, Korea. Perhaps the most beautiful garden setting we have seen for this herbaceous perennial was in a streamside garden in Scotland where this bloomed amid blue himalayan poppies. Despite its love of moist sites, this has thrived in our hillside woodland garden with regular watering only once every seven to ten days. Its 16-inch leaves are flushed bronze in the spring, turn glossy green in the summer, and can turn ruddy in the autumn given the right circumstances. The 5-foot flower spikes bear foot-long panicles of small, starry flowers. Rodgersia podophylla qualifies as a "bold" foliage plant. Mid- to late summer. bloom 5 ft. x 6 ft.

283-009-1 Rodgersia podophylla 'Rotlaub'
Part Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8 Creamy Green flowers
From Japan, Korea. This selection of Rodgersia podophylla has deeper red foliage earlier in the spring than does the pure species. Both are bold foliage plants for the shade garden. While it appreciates and is likely best in moist soil situations it performs well in our open woodland garden with intermittent summer moisture. Mid- to late summer. bloom 5 ft. x 6 ft.

224-003D4 Romneya coulteri 'Butterfly' ( Matalija poppy )
Sun Zones 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Romneya coulteri 'Butterfly' is a suckering deciduous shrub that brings traffic to a halt in the Dry Border when it blooms. They call it the 'fried egg' plant because the large white flowers have a prominent boss of gold stamens. Summer. bloom 5 ft. x 8 ft.

320-006-1 Rosa 'Aloha'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink and Salmon flowers
Rosa 'Aloha' (Boerner, 1949) bears non-stop medium sized flowers of pink and salmon with a pleasant light fragrance. The fully double flowers measure about 3.5 inches across. The dark green foliage has good substance. This tea rose has been disease-free in our gardens. Summer to autumn. bloom 6-10 ft. x 8 ft.
320-006D4 Rosa 'Aloha'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink and Salmon flowers
Rosa 'Aloha' (Boerner, 1949) bears non-stop medium-sized flowers of pink and salmon with a pleasant light fragrance. The fully double flowers measure about 3.5 inches across. The dark green foliage has good substance. This tea rose has been disease-free in our gardens. Summer to autumn. bloom 6-10 ft. x 8 ft.
320-007D4 Rosa 'Altissimo'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Red flowers
Rosa 'Altissimo' (Delbard-Chabert, 1966) is simply magnificent in the dark red and blue section of the Rose and Clematis Border. It reaches well-over visitors' heads and bears large, single, rich red flowers all season long. Beautiful against our stand of Arundo donax 'Variegata'. Late spring to autumn. bloom 10 ft. x 8 ft.

320-026-1 Rosa 'Antique'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
Rosa 'Antique' (Antike 89) Ais a huge climber which creates a wall in our lower garden. Petals of pink with creamy bases. Very double, cabbage-type, fragrant flowers bloom non-stop. The foilage is dark and shiny and very disease resistant for us. Summer. bloom 10 ft. x 6 ft.

320-026D4 Rosa 'Antique'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
Rosa 'Antique' (Antike 89) Ais a huge climber which creates a wall in our lower garden. Petals of pink with creamy bases. Very double, cabbage-type, fragrant flowers bloom non-stop. The foilage is dark and shiny and very disease resistant for us. Summer. bloom 10 ft. x 6 ft.

320-101D4 Rosa 'Awakening'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pearl-Pink flowers
Rosa 'Awakening' (Blatna; Hortico) (1935) is a sport of the well-known Rosa 'New Dawn' discovered in Czechoslovakia. It resembles the original in its climbing habit, in the color of bloom, and the glossy green foliage. However, the fragrant flowers are fully quartered giving it an old-fashioned look. Always in bloom during the season. Summer to autumn. bloom 8-12 ft. x 8 ft.

320-101-1 Rosa 'Awakening'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pearl-Pink flowers
Rosa 'Awakening' (Blatna; Hortico) (1935) is a sport of the well-known Rosa 'New Dawn' discovered in Czechoslovakia. It resembles the original in its climbing habit, in the color of bloom, and the glossy green foliage. However, the fragrant flowers are fully quartered giving it an old-fashioned look. Always in bloom during the season. Summer to autumn. bloom 8-12 ft. x 8 ft.

320-085D4 Rosa 'Basye's Purple'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Dark Red flowers
(Rosa rugosa rubra x R. foliosa) The large dark, velvety purple flowers of Rosa 'Basye's Purple' (Bayse) (1968) are so unexpected rising out of beet red stems. The fragrant flowers repeat. Summer. bloom 5 ft.

320-012D4 Rosa 'Betty Prior'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
Rosa 'Betty Prior' (Prior, 1935) is such an easy-to-grow, carefree rose. Its nonstop, single, pink flowers are always a pleasure. Deservedly popular. Summer. bloom 3-4 ft. x 3 ft.
320-010D4 Rosa 'Bonica' (Meiland, 1982)
Sun Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
(Rosa sempervirens x R. 'Mlle Martha Carron') This deservedly famous rose has passed the test for continuous bloom, disease resistance and general beauty here at our nursery. Vigorous in habit, Rosa 'Bonica' would make as fine a groundcover rose as it does an individual specimen. The delicate pink flowers are frilly in appearance and bloom in sprays on strong stems. New foliage is coppery in color turning rich glossy green as it ages. The fact that the flowers do not have much fragrance seems beside the point when you are dealing with so many other remarkable traits. Summer to fall. bloom 3-4 ft. x 3.5 ft.

320-010-1 Rosa 'Bonica' (Meiland, 1982)
Sun Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
(Rosa sempervirens x R. 'Mlle Martha Carron') This deservedly famous rose has passed the test for continuous bloom, disease resistance and general beauty here at our nursery. Vigorous in habit, Rosa 'Bonica' would make as fine a groundcover rose as it does an individual specimen. The delicate pink flowers are frilly in appearance and bloom in sprays on strong stems. New foliage is coppery in color turning rich glossy green as it ages. The fact that the flowers do not have much fragrance seems beside the point when you are dealing with so many other remarkable traits. Summer to fall. bloom 3-4 ft. x 3.5 ft.

320-115D4 Rosa 'Boule de Neige'
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Rosa 'Boule de Neige' (Lacharme, 1867) is a very fragrant repeat bloomer with dark foliage of good substance. The white flowers form gorgeous snowballs, which is what their French name means. A classic. Spring to autumn. bloom 5 ft. x 4 ft.

320-113-1 Rosa 'Cecile Brunner' (shrub)
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Light Pink flowers
This classic is often referred to as the 'Sweetheart Rose' possibly because of the charming, fully double, soft pink flowers measuring only 1.5 to 2.5 inches across. The blooms are also gently fragrant. In addition, the stems are mostly free of thorns so they are easily handled. Add to this its very long season of bloom and Rosa 'Cecile Brunner' may be perfect for any sunny garden, large and even small. Spring to autumn. bloom 30 in. x 24 in.

320-113D4 Rosa 'Cecile Brunner' (shrub)
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Light Pink flowers
This classic is often referred to as the 'Sweetheart Rose' possibly because of the charming, fully double, soft pink flowers measuring only 1.5 to 2.5 inches across. The blooms are also gently fragrant. In addition, the stems are mostly free of thorns so they are easily handled. Add to this its very long season of bloom and Rosa 'Cecile Brunner' may be perfect for any sunny garden, large and even small. Spring to autumn. bloom 30 in. x 24 in.

320-014-1 Rosa 'Chinatown'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Yellow flowers
Although they have the fragrance of tea roses, the real selling point of Rosa 'Chinatown' ('Ville de Chine') is the rich yellow flowers that mature to soft yellow with a pink blush along the margins of their petals. In addition, the foliage here in the Pacific Northwest is disease-free. This can easily be maintained as a small, upright shrub. Spring to autumn. bloom 4 ft. x 3 ft.

320-025D4 Rosa 'Compassion'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Salmon Pink flowers
In our garden, the dark green foliage on Rosa 'Compassion' remains undiseased. Double, fragrant, salmon pink flowers have apricot highlights. Spring to autumn. bloom 8 ft. x 8 ft.

320-025-1 Rosa 'Compassion'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Salmon Pink flowers
In our garden, the dark green foliage on Rosa 'Compassion' remains undiseased. Double, fragrant, salmon pink flowers have apricot highlights. Spring to autumn. bloom 8 ft. x 8 ft.

320-124D4 Rosa 'Deuil du Dr. Reynaud'
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Rose Pink flowers
Rosa 'Deuil du Dr. Reynaud' (Pradel, 1862) is a classic Bourbon rose. We do not have much information about its heritage but it does live up to its reputation of having one of the finest scents. Very free-flowering. One of the requirements we have for selecting our roses is that they be free from disease in the Pacific Northwest. This has met that requirement. Summer. bloom 7 ft. x 5 ft.

320-124-1 Rosa 'Deuil du Dr. Reynaud'
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Rose Pink flowers
Rosa 'Deuil du Dr. Reynaud'(Pradel, 1862) is a classic Bourbon rose. We do not have much information about its heritage but it does live up to its reputation of having one of the finest scents. Very free-flowering. Summer. bloom 7 ft. x 5 ft.

320-130-1 Rosa 'Duchesse de Rohan'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Deep Pink flowers
Rosa 'Duchesse de Rohan' (1847) is a classic famed for its fragrant flowers which have a many-petalled old rose shape. This is a repeat bloomer. Summer. bloom 5 ft.

320-020D4 Rosa 'Escapade'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Violet Pink flowers
Rosa 'Escapade' is the first rose along the Rose and Clematis path and we require it to put on a show for a long time. It obliges with a bright pink buds opening to soft violet-pink flowers that lightly perfume the air throughout the bloom season. The glossy, somewhat leathery foliage has proven disease resistant. Summer to autumn. bloom 5 ft. x 3 ft.

320-030-1 Rosa 'Essex'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Rose Pink flowers
Rosa 'Essex' is a popular rose is in our Dry Border Garden. It is a low ground cover rose studded with small single rose-pink blooms. Summer to fall. bloom 2 ft. x 4.5 ft.

320-030D4 Rosa 'Essex'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Rose Pink flowers
Rosa 'Essex' is a popular rose is in our Dry Border Garden. It is a low ground cover rose studded with small single rose-pink blooms. Summer to fall. bloom 2 ft. x 4.5 ft.

320-109D4 Rosa 'Eutin'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Crimson flowers
Rosa 'Eutin' ('Hoosier Glory') (Kordes, 1940) is a tough repeat blooming rose that forms masses of crimson flowers over a long season. The foliage is dark green and leathery. Light fragrance. Summer. bloom 5 ft. x 4 ft.

320-109-1 Rosa 'Eutin'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Crimson flowers
Rosa 'Eutin' ('Hoosier Glory') (Kordes, 1940) is a tough repeat blooming rose that forms masses of crimson flowers over a long season. The foliage is dark green and leathery. Light fragrance. Summer. bloom 5 ft. x 4 ft.

320-061D4 Rosa 'Eva'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Cerise flowers
Rosa 'Eva' is one of the parents of Rosa 'Eutin'. Bred for toughness and long bloom. The single cerise flowers are pale in the center. Light fragrance. Summer. bloom 5 ft. x 6 ft.

320-061-1 Rosa 'Eva'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Cerise flowers
Rosa 'Eva' is one of the parents of Rosa 'Eutin'. Bred for toughness and long bloom. The single cerise flowers are pale in the center. Light fragrance. Summer. bloom 5 ft. x 6 ft.

320-043-1 Rosa 'Felicia'
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
Rosa 'Felicia' (Pamberton, 1928) bears coral buds that open to semi-double pink flowers with peach tones. Deliciously fragrant. Repeat blooming. Dark green foliage. Spring to autumn. bloom 5 ft x 7 ft.

320-043D4 Rosa 'Felicia'
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
Rosa 'Felicia' (Pamberton, 1928) bears coral buds that open to semi-double pink flowers with peach tones. Deliciously fragrant. Repeat blooming. Dark green foliage. Spring to autumn. bloom 5 ft x 7 ft.

320-003D4 Rosa 'Flamingo'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Rich Pink flowers
We first saw Rosa 'Flamingo' in the Bellevue Botanical Gardens where it was discovered and were drawn to its extra-large single pink flowers, vigorous habit, and disease-free foliage. Several years later, we were able to acquire a specimen and have delighted in the rose ever since. It forms a large shrub with long, arching branches that bear masses of flowers all summer and deep into the autumn. Summer to autumn. bloom 8 ft. x 8 ft.

320-032D4 Rosa foliolosa ( Prairie Rose )
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Pink flowers
Our thanks to Linda Beutler, rosarian and clematarian, for introducing us to and allowing us to cut this rose in her garden. This is a species from the Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma area that we have come to appreciate as it has matured in our garden. Although it is suckering, it has remained quite compact after more than a decade. The compound leaves are made up of nine lanceolate leaflets (four pairs and one terminal) along wiry purple stems. The single flowers in our form are bright pink and have a wild fragrance. One nice feature of this rose is that it has only a few thorns and so it is easy to handle. The small rounded red hips of Rosa foliolosa are produced in great abundance and persist from late summer through autumn. Summer. bloom 6.5 ft. x 4 ft.

320-032-1 Rosa foliolosa ( Prairie Rose )
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Pink flowers
Our thanks to Linda Beutler, rosarian and clematarian, for introducing us to and allowing us to cut this rose in her garden. This is a species from the Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma area that we have come to appreciate as it has matured in our garden. Although it is suckering, it has remained quite compact after more than a decade. The compound leaves are made up of nine lanceolate leaflets (four pairs and one terminal) along wiry purple stems. The single flowers in our form are bright pink and have a wild fragrance. One nice feature of this rose is that it has only a few thorns and so it is easy to handle. The small rounded red hips of Rosa foliolosa are produced in great abundance and persist from late summer through autumn. Summer. bloom 6.5 ft. x 4 ft.

320-105D4 Rosa 'Fragrant Hour'
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink and Orange flowers
Rosa 'Fragrant Hour' is one of the roses we pick most often for use in our retail displays and in the office. The four-inch blooms are a lovely blend of pink and orange tones and they are powerfully fragrant. The foliage is clean and disease-free and the plant reblooms well throughout the summer. Summer. bloom 3-4 ft. x 3-4 ft.

320-105-1 Rosa 'Fragrant Hour'
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink and Orange flowers
Rosa 'Fragrant Hour' is one of the roses we pick most often for use in our retail displays and in the office. The four-inch blooms are a lovely blend of pink and orange tones and they are powerfully fragrant. The foliage is clean and disease-free and the plant reblooms well throughout the summer. Summer. bloom 3-4 ft. x 3-4 ft.

320-163D4 Rosa 'Ghislaine de Feligonde'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Apricot flowers
Rosa 'Ghislaine de Feligonde' (Turbat) (1916) is a short rambler rose that has luscious small, glossy green foliage. The blooms appear in clusters opening a vivid apricot and fading to pale lemon. Lightly scented. Nearly thornless. Repeats modestly. A Great Plant Picks selection. May, June. bloom 8 ft.

320-163-1 Rosa 'Ghislaine de Feligonde'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Apricot flowers
Rosa 'Ghislaine de Feligonde' (Turbat) (1916) is a short rambler rose that has luscious small, glossy green foliage. The blooms appear in clusters opening a vivid apricot and fading to pale lemon. Lightly scented. Nearly thornless. Repeats modestly. A Great Plant Picks selection. May, June. bloom 8 ft.

320-001D4 Rosa glauca
Sun Zones 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 Pink flowers
Rosa glauca (rubrifolia) is perhaps the most popular rose in our garden. We grow it in the Dry Border, but we have also seen it perform beautifully in gardens where it receives regular water. In spring, the soft, single, pink flowers glow against the purple infused blue foliage. In the fall, the show goes from pastel to orange when the brilliant hips put on a show contrasting with the dark purple asters below them. A Great Plant Picks selection. Spring. bloom 6-8 ft. x 5 ft.

320-128D4 Rosa 'Gruss an Teplitz'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Red flowers
This time-tested rose was raised by Rudolph Geschwind of Hungary and introduced to the trade by Peter Lambert of Trier, Germany in 1897. In our own gardens, Rosa 'Gruss an Teplitz' has proved surprisingly disease resistant and its light green foliage is clean and attractive. The bright red flowers bloom in clusters and have a fine fragrance. It is a strong spreading shrub which would make a fine specimen rose in a mixed border. Summer. bloom 6 ft. x 4 ft.
320-114-1 Rosa 'Honorine de Brabant'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Light Pink flowers
Bourbon roses are known for their rich fragrance and Rosa 'Honorine de Brabant' is no exception. The light-pink cup-shaped and quartered flowers have splashes of crimson and purple in them. What is especially pleasing is the fact that this blooms again on new wood later in the season. Summer. bloom 6 ft. x 6 ft.

320-114D4 Rosa 'Honorine de Brabant'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Light Pink flowers
Bourbon roses are known for their rich fragrance and Rosa 'Honorine de Brabant' is no exception. The light-pink cup-shaped and quartered flowers have splashes of crimson and purple in them. What is especially pleasing is the fact that this blooms again on new wood later in the season. Summer. bloom 6 ft. x 6 ft.

320-092D4 Rosa 'Kent'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Rosa 'Kent' is a low shrub rose ideal for use as a ground cover. It will tolerate light shade. The semi-double white flowers are borne all season. Disease resistant for us. Spring to fall. bloom 18 in. x 3 ft.

320-098D4 Rosa 'Konigen von Danemark'
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
We grow Rosa 'Konigen von Danemark' (Booth, 1826) in our Mixed Border close enough to the path where visitors can enjoy the delicious fragrance and lovely quartered rich pink flowers. The foliage is somewhat blue which sets off the color of the flowers. Early summer. bloom 8 ft. x 4 ft.

320-041D4 Rosa 'Lucetta'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Blush Pink flowers
Rosa 'Lucetta' (Austin, 1983) was chosen as one of the best shrub roses in recent trials at the Chicago Botanic Garden. The dark green foliage has good substance and is free of disease. The flowers are large, flat, semi-double and pleasantly fragrant. This is a rose that thrives with little extra care. Summer. bloom 5 ft. x 5 ft.

320-069-1 Rosa 'Martin Frobisher'
Sun Zones 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Light Pink flowers
Rosa 'Martin Frobisher' was developed by the Dr. Felicitas Sevdja at the University of Ottawa and then introduced by the Canadian department of Agriculture in 1968 as part of the Explorer series of Canadian roses. This vigorous and thorny rose is upright in habit. It bears fragrant, double pale pink flowers. Very hardy and disease resistant. Will tolerate some shade. Late spring to frost bloom 4 ft. x 4 ft.

320-069D4 Rosa 'Martin Frobisher'
Sun Zones 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Light Pink flowers
Rosa 'Martin Frobisher' was developed by the Dr. Felicitas Sevdja at the University of Ottawa and then introduced by the Canadian department of Agriculture in 1968 as part of the Explorer series of Canadian roses. This vigorous and thorny rose is upright in habit. It bears fragrant, double pale pink flowers. Very hardy and disease resistant. Will tolerate some shade. Late spring to frost bloom 4 ft. x 4 ft.

320-150D4 Rosa 'Mme. Alfred Carriere'
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Pale Pink flowers
Rosa 'Mme. Alfred Carriere' also serves as a companion to Clematis 'Duchess of Albany'. The pale pink flowers of the rose contrast beautifully with the tulip shaped rich pink flowers of the clematis. Very long blooming. Clear green foliage. Fragrant. Spring to autumn. bloom 15 ft. x 10 ft.

320-055D4 Rosa 'Mme. Isaac Pereire'
Sun Zone 6, 7, 8, 9 Dark Raspberry flowers
We grow the white flowered Clematis 'Alba Luxurians' (1881) as a complement to the rich, dark raspberry tones of Rosa 'Mme. Isaac Pereire'. With time she reaches over 10 ft. Intense fragrance. Repeat blooming. Early summer and autumn. bloom 7 ft. x 6 ft.

320-057-1 Rosa 'Mme. Plantier'
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Because Rosa 'Mme. Plantier' does not repeat bloom, it is not grown in our display beds but in the stock area where it has attained a magnificent size. The very fragrant, double white flowers on this heirloom come in a long flush in early summer. Pink buds open to soft, double, white flowers. Late spring to summer. bloom 6 ft. x 8 ft. (if pruned)

320-090D4 Rosa 'Munchen' ( IG 83 Munchen )
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Coral Pink flowers
We have grown Rosa 'Munchen' for about 15 years in our rose-Hydrangea border. It is has proven to be both a strong grower and disease free. Once it starts blooming in mid-June it is continuously in flower with clusters of 2.5-inch coral pink flowers. The fragrance is light but spicy sweet and as with most roses the fragrance is more noticeable in the fall as the temperatures cool down. I have found that Rosa `Munchen' needs very little tending or pruning to be happy. For me it is always a joy to see Munchen still well in flower right up to our first heavy frost. If after reading this description you think I like the plant a lot, you are correct. Continuous from June to Frost bloom 3.5 ft. x 4 ft.

320-005D4 Rosa 'Mutabilis'
Sun, Part Shade Zones 7, 8, 9 Yellow, Orange and Red flowers
This is generally considered a China Rose and often sold as R. chinensis 'Mutabilis' or R. x odorata 'Mutabilis' among other names. Because of the delicacy and shape of its single petalled flowers, it is referred to as the Buterfly Rose as well. The cultivar name, however, is perfect. It describes the incredible transformation that the flowers undergo as they emerge honey-gold from their red buds, change to coppery pink and finally become red pink. This show takes place with each bud from late spring to the autumn. The roses have a light scent. In general Rosa 'Mutabilis' is grown as a smaller shrub but it can sport branches up to 10 feet and be grown as a climber. The purple stems and somewhat glossy foliage are other features that have lead to its long-time popularity. Summer. bloom 4 ft. x 3 ft.

320-028D4 Rosa 'Nearly Wild' ( Rose )
Sun Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink and White flowers
Also known as Rosa 'Brownell's Nearly Wild', this charming rose has fragrant, three-inch wide, single flowers that have white centers and prominent bosses of yellow stamens. The pink of the flowers pales attractively as the flowers age. This is an excellent garden shrub, producing numerous flowers over a long period of time. At Joy Creek Nursery, 'Nearly Wild' forms a mid-sized shrub with excellent, sturdy, disease-free foliage. Summer. bloom 30 in. x 30 in.

320-019D4 Rosa 'New Dawn'
Sun Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Pink flowers
Rosa 'New Dawn' (1930) is a very cold hardy climbing rose that seems to bloom forever. It can be allowed to grow to its full height of 20 ft. or cut back and treated as a shrub rose. The soft, silvery pink flowers glow on the glossy, dark foliage. We have seen Rosa `New Dawn' perform admirably in a bright open shade situation here in the Pacific Northwest. Early summer to autumn. bloom 10 ft. x 8 ft.

320-019-1 Rosa 'New Dawn'
Sun Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Pink flowers
Rosa 'New Dawn' (1930) is a very cold hardy climbing rose that seems to bloom forever. It can be allowed to grow to its full height of 20 ft. or cut back and treated as a shrub rose. The soft, silvery pink flowers glow on the glossy, dark foliage. We have seen Rosa `New Dawn' perform admirably in a bright open shade situation here in the Pacific Northwest. Early summer to autumn. bloom 10 ft. x 8 ft.

320-112D4 Rosa odorata 'Viridiflora' (x)
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Green flowers
As far as we can determine from the literature, this fascinating Chinese cross between R. chinensis and R. gigantea became known to the West about 1833. It is distinguished by its very green flowers and its up-right habit. The two-inch flowers are rosette-shaped and double, their narrow petals gradually turning purple green with age. At first glance, it sometimes takes a second to realize you are looking at flowers because they are so close in color to the foliage. Spring to autumn. bloom 30 in. x 24 in.

320-120D4 Rosa 'Parade'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Rose Pink flowers
Rosa 'Parade' anchors the upper corner of our Rose and Clematis Border. The dark green, semi-glossy foliage has good substance and has been reliably free of disease. The large, fragrant, double, old-rose flowers bloom in clusters for a very long time. Early summer to fall. bloom 10 ft. x 10 ft.

320-120-1 Rosa 'Parade'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Rose Pink flowers
Rosa 'Parade' anchors the upper corner of our Rose and Clematis Border. The dark green, semi-glossy foliage has good substance and has been reliably free of disease. The large, fragrant, double, old-rose flowers bloom in clusters for a very long time. Early summer to fall. bloom 10 ft. x 10 ft.

320-039D4 Rosa pisocarpa
Sun, Part Shade Zones 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
British Columbia to Northern California. This is one of the roses native to the woods along the Cascades Mountains. Our friend Linda Beutler, who has often advised us on roses, realized that we did not have this rose and brought us a specimen. With its dark red stems and its lovely pinnately compound foliage composed of 5 to 9 leaflets, this is certainly a rose worthy of the garden. The small, pink, single roses are carried in cymes of up to ten blooms. In late summer, red, pear-shaped hips develop and persist on the stems as the foliage turns yellow and red in the autumn. Botantists consider this rose an indicator for wetland areas but it seems perfectly happy in our garden where it is well-watered once every week or two in the dry summer. Spring to summer. bloom 3-6 ft. x 3 ft.

320-037D4 Rosa pomifera
Sun, Part Shade Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
Our friends Ernie and Marietta O'Byrne introduced us to Rosa pomifera. We have found it to be suitable for either an open woodland or full sun setting. The blue green leaves, which smell of apples when crushed, make an attractive backdrop for the bountious single pink roses. It is in the late summer, however, that this rose really shows off when its extra-large hips, the size of small tomatoes, begin to turn red orange. Late spring. bloom 7-10 ft. x 7 ft.

320-104D4 Rosa 'Pompon Blanc Parfait'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
Rosa 'Pompon Blanc Parfait' (1876) becomes a 5 ft. shrub with small leaves and small flowers. This has a long bloom season for an Alba rose. Flowers come in tight clusters of pink fading to white. Summer. bloom 5 ft.

320-050-1 Rosa 'Pompon de Paris' ( Rose )
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Medium Pink flowers
This is the climbing form of the old minature rose 'Pompon de Paris' (1839). It is a strong grower and after the initial mass bloom in May continues to bloom moderately until the end of the growing season. While most reference sources say the climbing Rosa 'Pompon de Paris' grows to 10 feet, a friend of ours, Lucy Hardiman says that hers grows to nearly 20 feet in two years in her Portland, Oregon garden. She also cuts it nearly to the ground in alternating years and the plant grows back and is of a good size by early summer. I have never been that aggressive in pruning a climbing rose. The medium pink flowers are lightly fragrant and very double. A real plus for this rose is its disease resistance in our maritime Nothwest gardens, no blackspot, no mildew and no rust. Late spring to early fall bloom 15 ft. x 4 ft.

320-050D4 Rosa 'Pompon de Paris' ( Rose )
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Medium Pink flowers
This is the climbing form of the old minature rose 'Pompon de Paris' (1839). It is a strong grower and after the initial mass bloom in May continues to bloom moderately until the end of the growing season. While most reference sources say the climbing Rosa 'Pompon de Paris' grows to 10 feet, a friend of ours, Lucy Hardiman says that hers grows to nearly 20 feet in two years in her Portland, Oregon garden. She also cuts it nearly to the ground in alternating years and the plant grows back and is of a good size by early summer. I have never been that aggressive in pruning a climbing rose. The medium pink flowers are lightly fragrant and very double. A real plus for this rose is its disease resistance in our maritime Nothwest gardens, no blackspot, no mildew and no rust. Late spring to early fall bloom 15 ft. x 4 ft.
320-063D4 Rosa 'Rachel Bowes Lyon'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Peach flowers
Developed by Harkness Roses, England, in 1981. In our rose and clematis garden, we needed a low rose with coral tones to complement the other perennials nearby. Fortunately, we chose 'Rachel Bowes Lyon' and have been happy ever since. The simple peach colored flowers are mid-sized and appear in cluster. The moderately fragrant flowers continue throughout much of the summer. We are especially fond of the color echo between this rose and Crocosmia 'Culzean Pink' which grows behind it. Summer. bloom 5 ft. x 4 ft.

320-107D4 Rosa 'Radway Sunrise'
Sun Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Yellow to Rich Coral flowers
This is a seedling from Rosa 'Masquerade' introduced by Waterhouse Nursery in England in 1962. Its dark, glossy foliage sets off the uniquely colored flowers which blend lemon, salmon and rich coral as they transform with age. They are slightly fragrant. In the Pacific Northwest, we have found Rosa 'Radway Sunrise' to be disease free and very easy to care for. In addition, it repeats bloom. Late spring to early summer. Repeats. bloom 4-6 ft. x 4-6 ft.

320-065-1 Rosa 'Reine de Violette'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Violet Purple flowers
The small, violet purple flowers of Rosa 'Reine de Violette' (Mille-Mallet, 1860) are fully double and very fragrant. The shrub is thornless with gray green foliage. Repeats. Early summer. bloom 5 ft. x 4 ft.
320-065D4 Rosa 'Reine de Violette'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Violet Purple flowers
The small, violet purple flowers of Rosa 'Reine de Violette' (Mille-Mallet, 1860) are fully double and very fragrant. The shrub is thornless with gray green foliage. Repeats. Early summer. bloom 5 ft. x 4 ft.
320-080D4 Rosa 'Rose de Rescht'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Cerise flowers
Rosa 'Rose de Rescht' goes through many flushes. We grow it along our Fuchsia Path where its intense cerise blooms echo the colors of nearby Fuchsias. Very fragrant. Summer to autumn. bloom 4 ft.

320-087D4 Rosa 'Sally Holmes'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Light Salmon fading to White flowers
Growing along the wrought iron fence of our Mixed Border, this has caught the eye of many a visitor. The lovely, large, single flowers open a pale slamon pink eventually fading to white. The massive tresses of as many as fifty flowers continue over a very long season. Delicately scented. A Great Plant Picks selection. Spring to autumn. bloom 6 ft. x 3 ft.

320-095-1 Rosa 'Sea Foam'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Rosa 'Sea Foam' (Schwartz) (1964) is an excellent trailing rose often used as a ground cover. Its nonstop small white flowers are nicely set off by dark green, glossy foliage. Summer to autumn. bloom 3 ft. x 6 ft.

320-095D4 Rosa 'Sea Foam'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Rosa 'Sea Foam' (Schwartz) (1964) is an excellent trailing rose often used as a ground cover. Its nonstop small white flowers are nicely set off by dark green, glossy foliage. Summer to fall. bloom 3 ft. x 6 ft.

320-075D4 Rosa 'Surrey'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Bright Pink flowers
Even in our part-shade siting of Rosa 'Surrey', it remains disease-free and free-flowering. Young, mid-green foliage deepens to dark green as it ages. The long-blooming flowers are double. At 5 feet, ours is much taller than this ground cover rose is normally described. Spring to autumn. bloom 3 ft. x 3 ft.

320-078D4 Rosa 'Swany'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Use Rosa 'Swany' as a groundcover rose. Lots of small double white flowers all season on a low sprawling shrub. Good glossy foliage. Spring to autumn. bloom 2 ft. x 4 ft.

320-142D4 Rosa 'The Fairy'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
Rosa 'The Fairy' (Ann Bentall, 1932) is a popular Polyantha rose that bears double pink flowers held on well-branched stems over an incredibly long period of time. The compact shrub has glossy mid-green leaves. Early summer to autumn. bloom 2-3 ft. x 2-3 ft.

320-076D4 Rosa 'Thelma'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Coral and Pink flowers
It is hard to believe that Rosa 'Thelma' has been in the trade since 1927. That is a testament to its vigor and beauty. This cross between R. wichuriana and R. 'Paul's Scarlet' has shiny deep green foliage of good substance. The large, semi-double flowers are a blend of coral and deep pink with a bit of yellow toward the center. For those of you who dislike thorns, 'Thelma' has very few of them and those are large and visible. Summer. bloom 3.5 ft. x 2.5 ft.
320-076-1 Rosa 'Thelma' ( Rose )
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Coral and Pink flowers
It is hard to believe that Rosa 'Thelma' has been in the trade since 1927. That is a testament to its vigor and beauty. This cross between R. wichuriana and R. 'Paul's Scarlet' has shiny deep green foliage of good substance. The large, semi-double flowers are a blend of coral and deep pink with a bit of yellow toward the center. For those of you who dislike thorns, 'Thelma' has very few of them and those are large and visible. Summer. bloom 3.5 ft. x 2.5 ft.
320-077D4 Rosa 'Therese Bugnet'
Sun Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Fuchsia Pink flowers
A hybrid with a good deal of Rosa rugosa heritage, Rosa 'Therese Bugnet' really doesn't look like a rugosa. 'Therese Bugnet' is, however, a very srong grower and has been totally free of blackspot, mildew and rust in our gardens The very double fuchsia pink flowers are about three inches in diameter and are highly fragrant. When you couple the vigor of 'Therese Bugnet' with its long bloom time and its cold hardiness, you see that it is a good choice for a wide variety of areas, especially in mixed border plantings. Rosa `Therese Bugnet' was introduced in 1950 June to Frost bloom 7 ft. x 6 ft.

320-122D4 Rosa 'Vogelpark Walsrode' (Kordes, 1988)
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Soft Pink flowers
Rosa 'Vogelpark Walsrode' was named as a tribute to the largest bird sanctuary in the world. It is a worthy tribute with its repeat flowering, its disease resistance, and its sweet fragrance. The double flowers are soft pink fading to white, colors which contrast nicely with the golden central stamens. In bloom, the flowers are held on long stems in loose clusters. They are showcased by the dark lustre of the foliage. Summer. bloom 4-5 ft. x 6.5 ft.

320-122-1 Rosa 'Vogelpark Walsrode' (Kordes, 1988)
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Soft Pink flowers
Rosa 'Vogelpark Walsrode' was named as a tribute to the largest bird sanctuary in the world. It is a worthy tribute with its repeat flowering, its disease resistance, and its sweet fragrance. The double flowers are soft pink fading to white, colors which contrast nicely with the golden central stamens. In bloom, the flowers are held on long stems in loose clusters. They are showcased by the dark lustre of the foliage. Summer. bloom 4-5 ft. x 6.5 ft.

320-126D4 Rosa 'Westerland'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Apricot Orange flowers
Rosa 'Westerland' (Kordes) is one of our favorite roses. It blooms in the orange section of our Rose & Clematis border. The thick glossy foliage is always disease free and the lightly scented blooms continue all season. Scarlet buds open to frilly flowers with apricot tones. Summer. bloom 8 ft. x 4 ft.

320-149D4 Rosa 'Zitronenfalter'
Sun Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Yellow flowers
Rosa 'Zitronenfalter' (Tantau, 1956) produces soft yellow, semi-double flowers throughout the growing season. It is very fragrant. For those that do not like thorns, the stems are nearly thornless. Summer. bloom 4-6 ft. x 3 ft.
225-001 Roscoea alpina
Part Shade Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Pink flowers
Nepal. Roscoeas are tuberous ginger relatives that are characterized by their lance-shaped leaves that sheath their stems and by hooded flowers. The flowers of Roscoea alpina are partially concealed by the upper leaf sheaths. This is best grown in a woodland or part shade garden where the plants can be watered on a regular basis. These charming gingers form clumps over time. Late summer. bloom 1 ft.
327-017D4 Rosmarinus officinalis 'Albus'
Sun Zones 8, 9, 10 White flowers
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Albus' has green open foliage with white flowers. Winter to spring. bloom 4 ft.

327-001D4 Rosmarinus officinalis 'Arp'
Sun Zones 8, 9, 10 Blue flowers
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Arp' is a tall shrub with open structure and blue flowers. This one seems to be hardier than most other rosemarys, possibly to Zone 7. A Great Plant Picks selection. Winter to spring. bloom 3 ft.

327-001-QT Rosmarinus officinalis 'Arp'
Sun Zones 8, 9, 10 Blue flowers
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Arp' is a tall shrub with open structure and blue flowers. This one seems to be hardier than most other rosemarys, possibly to Zone 7. A Great Plant Picks selection. Winter to spring. bloom 3 ft.

327-018 Rosmarinus officinalis 'Blue Spear'
Sun Zones 8, 9, 10 Blue flowers
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Blue Spear' is a shrub with strong upright form and blue flowers. Grey-green foliage. Winter to spring. bloom 4 ft.
327-005D4 Rosmarinus officinalis 'Collingwood Ingram'
Sun Zones 8, 9, 10 Blue flowers
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Collingwood Ingram' has narrow dark green leaves and vivid blue flowers. Winter to spring. bloom 3 ft.
327-019D4 Rosmarinus officinalis 'Golden Rain'
Sun Zones 8, 9, 10 Denim Blue flowers
The new foliage on Rosmarinus officinalis 'Golden Rain' is edged in gold, crreating a bright upright presence in the garden. Winter brings the washed denim flowers. Winter to spring. bloom 3 ft.

327-007D4 Rosmarinus officinalis 'Gorizia'
Sun Zones 8, 9, 10 Violet/Blue flowers
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Gorizia' has wide green foliage and is open in structure. Violet-blue flowers. Winter to spring. bloom 3 ft.
327-020D4 Rosmarinus officinalis 'Kent Taylor'
Sun Zones 8, 9, 10 Blue flowers
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Kent Taylor' is low and creeping in habit with blue flowers. Winter to spring. bloom 12 in.
327-010D4 Rosmarinus officinalis 'Logees Blue'
Sun Zones 8, 9, 10 Blue-Violet flowers
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Logees Blue' is an upright rosemary with blue-violet flowers. Winter to spring. bloom 30 in.
327-012D4 Rosmarinus officinalis 'Roseus'
Sun Zones 8, 9, 10 Pink flowers
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Roseus' is an upright shrub with lavender-pink flowers. Winter to spring. bloom 36 in.
327-021QT Rosmarinus officinalis 'Salem'
Sun Zones 8, 9, 10 Deep Blue flowers
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Salem' is compact in habit. A Great Plant Picks selection.. Winter to spring. bloom 18 in.
327-021D4 Rosmarinus officinalis 'Salem'
Sun Zones 8, 9, 10 Deep Blue flowers
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Salem' is compact in habit. A Great Plant Picks selection.. Winter to spring. bloom 18 in.
327-024 Rosmarinus officinalis 'Tuscan Blue'
Sun Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 Dark Blue flowers
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Tuscan Blue' is distinguished by its upright (and vigorous) habit and its dark blue flowers. A Great Plant Picks selection. Early spring. bloom 5 ft. x 5 ft.
327-024-QT Rosmarinus officinalis 'Tuscan Blue'
Sun Zones 7, 8, 9, 10 Dark Blue flowers
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Tuscan Blue' is distinguished by its upright (and vigorous) habit and its dark blue flowers. A Great Plant Picks selection. Early spring. bloom 5 ft. x 5 ft.
454-001D4 Rubus lineatus
Sun, Part Shade Zones 7, 8, 9 White flowers
The five-lobed leaves of Rubus lineatus are maple-like, but it is the corduroy-like ribbing on each side of the central veins of the leaflets that give them their distinction. It bear white flowers and, in turn, red raspberry-like fruits. Because it is related to blackberry it does run, but it is easy to remove runners. Summer bloom 10 ft. x 10 ft.
454-002 Rubus pentalobus
Sun, Part Shade, Shade Zones 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Taiwan. Rubus pentalobus (calycinoides) has been a boon to many gardeners with difficult part shade to shade sites. Because it is evergreen, it does a fine job of masking awkward slopes. Small, single, rose-like flowers add their passing show. By late summer and early fall, brilliant orange-red fruits take over as the foliage takes on autumnal tints. As the Latin name implies, the leaves are five-lobed. A Great Plant Picks selection. Summer. bloom 4 in. x indefinite.

454-010 Rubus ursinus ( California dewberry )
Sun, Part Shade Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 White flowers
Rubus ursinus is a rambling West Coast native that has been used in the development of many well-known cane-berries like Loganberry and Boysenberry. Our collection comes from a local mountainous forest at about 3000 feet in elevation. There, the woody shrub is diminutive, only about 8 inches in height, and rambles in the shade with many glistening dark fruits. We grow this closer to sea-level in full sun and the shrub has gotten taller and happier. We have found that, like all cane-berries, it must be managed to keep it in bounds and to get the most of the delicious, small but intense berries. The berries form on two-year old wood. Rubus ursinus is dioecious, meaning that it has male and female plants. Because our plants are seedlings and have not flowered, we do not know their sexes. Even non-fruiting plants make good candidates for holding the soil on difficult part-shade hillside or in all native gardens. The foliage is attractive but please remember that it is prickly. May to June bloom 1 ft. x 10 ft.

070-002 Rudbeckia 'Compter's Gold'
Sun Zones 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Gold Yellow flowers
Rudbeckia 'Compter's Gold' was originally grown from an older seed strain that no longer seems to be in the trade. This is our preferred Black-eyed Susan because it is less susceptible to crown rot and has more vigor for us in our maritime climate. The flowering stems are shorter than 'Goldstrum' and the ray flowers have narrower petals than that plant. Also, this blooms longer for us than 'Goldstrum'. Summer. bloom 30 in. x 18 in.

070-004D4 Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' ( Black-eyed Susan )
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Gold/Dark Disk flowers
Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' is a classic perennial with daisy-like golden flowers blooming over an exceptionally long period. A Great Plant Picks selection. August to September. bloom 24-28 in.

070-004-1 Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' ( Black-eyed Susan )
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Gold/Dark Disk flowers
Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' is a classic perennial with daisy-like golden flowers blooming over an exceptionally long period. A Great Plant Picks selection. August to September. bloom 24-28 in.

070-004 Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' ( Black-eyed Susan )
Sun Zones 6, 7, 8, 9 Gold/Dark Disk flowers
Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' is a classic perennial with daisy-like golden flowers blooming over an exceptionally long period. A Great Plant Picks selection. August to September. bloom 24-28 in.

070-008-1 Rudbeckia 'Herbsonne'
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Yellow flowers
This is also known in the trade as 'Autumn Sun', a name that well describes the season of bloom and the color of the beautiful large daisy-like flowers. Inidividual flowers measure 4-5 inches across with greenish knob-like central cones. They bloom on sturdy branching stems at eye-height and above. The large, jaggedly lobed leaves of Rudbeckia `Herbsonne' are glossy green. Mid- to early autumn. bloom 5-7 ft. x 3-4 ft.

070-036 Rudbeckia hirta 'Joy Creek Select'
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Mixed flowers
Rudbeckia x hirta 'Joy Creek Select' are from seedlings of Rudbeckia hirta forms from our stock field. The colors are mostly dark golds, bronzes and browns. The assorted flowers are single, semi-double, double, quilled or two-toned. There is not an unattractive one in the bunch. Summer. bloom 15-30 in. x 12-18 in.

070-010-1 Rudbeckia laciniata
Sun Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Yellow flowers
Rudbeckia laciniata is a bold prairie plant with towering flower stems bearing yellow rayed flowers with green-yellow centers. Try this in the back of the border. Midsummer to midautumn. bloom 5-10 ft. x 36 in.
